
links for 2008-01-24


  • Jeff Thompson

    It seems there’s a concerted campaign out there by people to attempt to drag Rudy Giuliani down in any way they can, including (but not limited to) posting in forums like this. Y’know, repeat misinformation enough and it becomes true, that sort of thing. So rather than play that game, I’d like to issue a challenge to those who seem to spend their oddly ample spare time posting anti-Giuliani comments.

    I’ll take it as a given you don’t support Giuliani – ok, great. Who DO you support? My bet is you support a Democratic candidate, in which case I really have nothing to say to you. If however, you support a Republican, I’d like to ask a simple question – why???

    Here’s why I support Rudy (and these are all statements that I consider unquestionable, so don’t bother with the same tired arguments!): 1) he stood up to the mob and won; 2) he (at a minimum) played a significant role in turning NYC from a failed city into a great city; 3) he has a long history of favoring “supply side” economic policies; 4) he has a long history of achieving great successes despite enormous odds; 5) he has guts to say what he believes and to stick to it; 6) millions of people saw Rudy as a true beacon of hope and strength on 9/11; 7) he hates government waste at a visceral level; 8) he understands what we’re up against in the war on Islamic terror (e.g., throwing Yasser Arafat out of Lincoln Center; spitting in the eye of a Saudi prince who said WE were responsible for 9/11).

    This is why I support Rudy. Now please – tell me again why you support ANY other Republican candidate? At a minimum, Rudy is: 1) a fiscal conservative; and 2) a social moderate. Frankly, that’s ALL I need – and Rudy is the ONLY one in the field who meets these two very easy conditions!

    So, again – tell me WHY you support Romney, Huckabee, or McCain (I’d prefer NOT to hear from Paul supporters – sorry about that). In telling me why you support “your guy,” please avoid using the word “change.” If I hear the word “change” again I think I’ll scream.

    I truly believe we are at a critical juncture in the history of the United States, and that Rudy is the only candidate who’s got the guts, experience, and tenacity to make the tough decisions that will need to get made over the next 4 to 8 years. Tell me how it is the OTHER candidates are better.

    • Rob J

      You would like to know the truth is sneaking into this campaign I hope. The American people are throwing out the garbage, no true platform or core beliefs, then leave.

      We have Guilianni going out this month. That is because he never had any real plan. People will not bite on the “I will protect America” montra.

      McCain is way to dangerous and insane to run this country. True he is picking up the War monger vote but when it gets down to three it will be a sudden slide for him. Stating it bluntly he flats scares people with his talk of 100 years in Iraq.

      Mitt is going to pour money into this campaign at a level never seen in politics. He will capture tons of votes. But his record is horrible as a true Republican.

      Paul is the one that the Republicans, media and most blogspots don’t want to hear about. However it is time that the world understood something that they are missing. The Paul campaign is changing quickly. The older and more thoughtful voters are taking a look and seeing a true Conservative Republican. Cut from the Goldwater and Reagan cloth. The kids may have started the revolution but mom and dad are taking it to the next level. Money flows like water to Paul, why? Message.

      Change is what we want. It will not be change as it is spoken. Change morphs as it moves through time.

      The economy is taking center stage and so will the man who has been leading the fight with the Federal Reserve for years.

      I am not a nut. I’m certain that Paul could not get a quarter of his policies to pass. But the ones that do will change this country for years.

      We need cuts in government. cut cut cut. Mitt won’t do it. He is a gutless bureaucrat and a panderer. McCain the insane admitts he knows nothing about economics.

      Time for a real shake up America. Grow up and listen to the messages. Look at the real records. Then vote for what is truely right for this country if you can.

  • Dennis


    I agree with you entirely on Rudy’s candidacy. Let’s hope he can win Florida and go onto victory on February 5.

  • Dennis

    I see that two of the leading liberal Florida newspapers are predicting Rudy’s demise in the state. The story was picked up by Fox News as posted by Flap. More evidence of the relentless efforts by the media to bring down Rudy.

    I hope Rudy makes them all liars on January 29 and beyond.