Mitt Romney,  President 2008

Mitt Romney’s Who Let the Dogs Out – A Macaca Moment?


Mitt Romney in Jacksonville, Florida

Ana Marie Cox asks why this apparent “Macaca Moment” by Mitt Romney is not receiving more play?

Ambinder is more kind and calls it embarassing.

But, the fact is Mitt Romney is a rich white Republican guy who is grossly out of touch – especially on MLK Day.

It won’t have to be used by the Democrats – it is already out there.


  • Dennis

    I assume from reading Rudy’s site this evening that the Firefighters’ Union has released its promised video attacking Rudy over his handling of 9/11 etc. Do you have anything on it? Is it an ad or on YouTube?

    Rudy not only has a detailed written response on his site, but I believe he has a video already in the can which I assume he will run.

  • Flap

    Nope I haven’t seen anything. But, I discount what that union says anyway.

    It will be up on Drudge in the morning if it is significant.