Day By Day,  John McCain,  President 2008

Day By Day by Chris Muir February 2, 2008

Day By Day by Chris Muir

Chris is right that the GOP Presidential bench this year is thin. It IS time for a new generation of leadership and the Hillary vs. Obama primary race will give voters a clue as to whether it will be in 2008 or later.

The GOP voted for McCain and forced Rudy Giuliani out. Now, there is angst among conservatives about MCCain and some have even pledged support to Mitt Romney who is a flip-flop conservative at best.

Voters in the early states and Florida have made their bed and now the entire GOP has to live with it.

It won’t be easy for some conservatives (Malkin and Coulter have already bolted) and Flap doubts the Evangelical Christians (Dobson, Lamb et. al) will be on board much in the coming election. But, does the heir apparent of the Republican Party, John McCain, need them?

Probably not and isn’t that REALLY why they are so pissed off with his ascendant candidacy?