Barack Obama,  Michael Ramirez,  President 2008

Where is the Beef With Obama?


Cartoon by Michael Ramirez 

When the rhetoric meets the road, Barack Obama comes up short. And, one is to ask: Where is the Beef?

Barack is an appealing, yet vigorous speaker with a fresh face but is inexperienced. Will Democrat voters be swayed by the hype and turn away from the more tried and true lib, Hillary Clinton?

John McCain, the presumed GOP nominee will have any easier time against the Clinton Cabal than Obama because of her negatives and her husband Bill’s baggage.

But, Flap does not foresee ANY Democrat candidate LOSING the presidency this Fall.


  • Ling

    True. Very likely that either Hillary or Obama will end up as President. If it’s Hillary, there’s going to be a lot of fireworks and some retro Clinton bashing (very enjoyable experience) before November. But somehow, I think it’s going to be Obama vs. McCain. This election is about cleansing the stables, and everybody above 50 is going to taken to the woodshed….This time next year, you’ll see a lot of young and new faces in DC.

  • deb

    If you were really interested in the where the beef is all you would have to do is go to his website and read his stance on the issues. Look at who his advisors are. Look at all the newspaper endorsements. Look at the millions of people all over the country who are inspired by his words. Inspired enough to go to his website and see what he stands for. Inspired enough to read his book the Audacity of Hope and read what he thinks of politics. Inspired enough to find out who his advisors are. Inspired enough to watch his wife answer questions on cspan that tell you about the man behind the words. Inspired enough to see that he has some really great new faces in the senate and the house who are supporting him. Inspired enough to believe in the end of cynical politics which is all we can get from the Clintons. Our country has been divided for the last 16 years, do you somehow looking at the beef of Hillary realize she has too much baggage and she cannot win? The fact is that millions of people in this country get hives at the mere mention of the name Clinton. If you were really inspired by his words or even semi interested in finding out what he stands for you would know where the beef is.