Barack Obama,  Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton for Obama’s Vice President?


Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama at last year’s Democrat Presidential debate in South Carolina

There has been some recent speculation that Team Obama is faking the media into believing Hillary Clinton will NOT be Barack’s choice as Vice President.


All of the Clinton haters would stir up the RIGHT and motivate the GOP base. Besides the Clinton Cabal views an Obama loss as more favorable than serving as VP for eight years.

Flap is favoring Bill Richardson again if Evan Byah and his association with Mark Penn is deemed a disqualifier. But, with the latest Electoral Colege projection polls Byah would be the likely choice because of political matchups in the key battleground states.

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One Comment

  • Ling

    If we’re talking battleground states, how about Bob Casey? He’s pro-life, PA couldn’t be more of a battleground, and Obama is weaker there than most any other swing state. And Obama did go bowling with Casey. 🙂