John McCain,  Sarah Palin

John McCain Watch: New Ad Features Alaska Maverick Sarah Palin

New John McCain for President ad features Alaska Governor Sarah Palin

The Script:

ANNCR: The Journal says: “Governor Palin’s credentials as an agent of reform exceed Barack Obama’s.”

They’re right.

She “has a record of bi-partisan reform.”

He’s the Senate’s “most liberal.”

She “took on the oil producers.”

He gave big oil billions in subsidies and giveaways.

She’s “earned a reputation as a reformer.”

His reputation? Empty words.

MCCAIN: I’m John McCain and I approve this message.

The ad will appear on television as well as the web. The extent of the ad buy or where it will be broadcast is unknown at this time.

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  • Pamela

    The “liberals” need to find a new name for themselves since this election has shown them not to be liberal at all. Until a year ago I firmly believed that voting for someone based on their gender or the color of their skin was being sexist or racist and wrong. Now the “liberals” tell us that only whites can be “racists” and blacks doing exactly the same thing are justified in identifying with and support their race. Huh??? Now the “liberated” party is attacking Sarah for being a woman while the conservatives give her their full support. Do these “liberals” not think Sarah’s husband will be around to watch the kids in Washington?

  • Dee

    After all the BS that the media has spewed regarding Gov. Palin, anything they or orther actors say will not matter! Americans will vote for whoever they vote.

    As for myself, a woman, mother of two and small business owner, don’t like the fact that so call feminists state that she can’t do the job because she has kids, it is just hypocritical! I don’t see anyone questioning MEN about their ability to govern because they have children. What a double standard and a bunch of crock! If it’s all about choice I guess I’ll have to choose the hero and forget the minority or female race card!

    So with that in mind, this Pro-Choice, Catholic Hispanic originally from California is going to now vote for Gov. Palin since Hillary is not an option!

  • Mark43

    These smear tactics are a way for the Dem’s to take the spotlight off of sound conservative policy. Once the dust clears America will see that McCain-Palin offers America growth, improvement and security. They will look to the other side and see CHANGE, handouts and terrorists.

    Mark43s last blog post..Going back to Cali