• Frank

    This is true, but wouldn’t it prompt you to do a thorough investigation against your own assumption before proclaiming its completely the CRA’s fault?

    I’m not in a position to judge whether or not the CRA had a key, rather than contributing or subtle, role in the housing bubble. But I would like to see some opposing views in a video that outright claims as such.

    Franks last blog post..iPhone Officially Distributed In China?

  • sassinfras

    regulatory failure is the reason for this . and who took away these regulations ,cause they were there at one stage. thats the question you should be answering .

  • sassinfras

    this video didn’t answer my question. it is a video design to discredit obama[not convincing either] and it left alot out. selective journalism ,the same thing happened when rumsfield selected only certain evidence to make his case to attack iraq. the answer is every US leader since carter has been into deregulations, but none more than the conservatives and republicans [free market advocate who’s mantra is deregulation]. leaving the market to self regulate opened it up to abuse. basically ‘friedman economics’ has finally been exposed for what it really accomplishes- greed and corruption with the rich getting richer ,the poor getting poorer and the middle class getting sqeezed and victimized.