John McCain

John McCain Continues to Throw in the White Towel of Surrender

This video is from the other day when John McCain first decided to throw in the white towel and give up the Presidential race. After listening to his speech at Virginia Beach just now, Flap doesn’t believe McCain has the “fire in the belly” to win this race.

A same really because after portraying Barack Obama as a “celebrity” and a good GOP convention, Mac has let the economy sink him. McCain had the opportunity to lead and he has fumbled the ball.

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  • Erik

    Paul Krugman was right when he called the GOP the “party of stupid”. It’s been hijacked by the very same people it exploited to gain power: The religious simpleton. The religious intellectual has no place in this party anymore.

  • Babsy

    You are right, Erik. The US will begin to enjoy unbounded peace and prosperity when ‘The One’ is anointed in January and ChimpyMcBushHitler is sent packing to Crawford. Why just this morning on Fuggs Newz The One was explaining to a bitter, gun-clingling plumber how his labor was going to lift others to freedom less fortunate than himself. Social justice for all!!!! Arrrggghhhhhhh!!!!

  • sassinfras

    are these the religous wackos who pray for armengmake the poor poorer.
    egon so they will all go to heaven. $20 in the poor box then support policies then support policies which