Rush Limbaugh,  Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin: “I’ve Got Nothing to Lose in This….”


Rush Limbaugh and Alaska Governor and GOP Vice President nominee Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin was interviewed by Rush today and produced some interesting quotes.

A full transcript is here.

Key Graphs:

RUSH:  Well, now, as I listen to your campaign appearances and Senator McCain’s, it seems that you are the more forceful in speaking out against Obama and his campaign ideas.  Are they giving you pretty much free rein to attack this campaign as you wish?

GOVERNOR PALIN:  Well, you know, there just aren’t enough hours in the day I think to get out there and (cell garbled).  Rush, I’ve got nothing to lose in this, and I think America has everything to gain by understanding the differences, the contrasts here between Obama and McCain. So, you know, I’m going out there and I’m just simply speaking. So be it that I’m a simple talker, but I’m just going out there and letting people know the differences and how absolutely paramount it is that voters are paying attention and that voters are understanding candidates’ records, their associations, their plans for the future; instead of being kind of wrapped up into all this rhetoric of Obama’s and buying into it and not holding him accountable for the things that he’s done, the things that he’s said, his associates, and where he wants to take America.


RUSH: This is an attempt by the media to make you stop being who you are.  What it means is, they’re really worried about the effectiveness that you have.

GOVERNOR PALIN:  Well, yeah, I guess that message is they do want me to sit down and shut up.  But that’s not going to happen.  I care too much about this great country.  Now, yes, speaking of some of those associations — and you’re right; mainstream media is not holding Barack Obama accountable — let’s talk quickly about ACORN and the unconscionable situation that we’re facing right now with voter fraud. And given the ties between Obama and ACORN and the money that his campaign has sent them and the job that he had with them in the past, Obama has a responsibility to rein in ACORN and prove that he’s willing to fight voter fraud. We called him on it.

RUSH:  He’s not going to do that.  He’s been paying for them.

GOVERNOR PALIN: (laughing) Yeah. Right.


RUSH: So, therefore, have you even thought about a political future beyond this campaign?

GOVERNOR PALIN:  That’s a good question. (laughing) No, because I’m thinking about November 4th, and I am just so absolutely passionate about the job that we have in front of us from now ’til November 4th, getting people to understand how important paying attention is.

El Rushbo is definitley paving the way for a Sarah Palin run in four to eight years should the McCain-Palin either win or lose.

Sarah Palin will have an ally in Rush Limbaugh, the most popular conservative radio talk show host – more than John McCain EVER has.

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