Barack Obama,  John McCain

Will John McCain Question Barack Obama’s Tax Policy Tonight?

A revealing look at the so-called Obama Tax Cut — is it really a cut?

Only if McCain wants to win.

Check out how this ad plays to pollster Frank Luntz’s focus group:

Mac has the tools. Now, he has to use them.

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  • Dan Rust

    For one person’s perspective on how you can make a decision to support Obama AND vote for John McCain, see the YouTube video below:

    Feel free to forward this to any “undecided” voters you know of. This will be a VERY close election and we need every single vote we can get. Demonizing Obama will get us a few votes (and also lose us at least a few votes) but I hope that a rational, positive thought process will persuade a few people who are still on the fence.

    Regards, Dan

  • Charles

    Obama’s tax plan will destroy the Social Security system.

    Obama says his income tax plan will lower taxes for 95% of Americans. There is just one problem with this, 40% of Americans already pay no income tax. Obama’s response to this is that these people pay Social Security tax. Well, that’s not income tax, but a contribution to their retirement plan. So if he wins and implements his tax plan, for the first time in the history of Social Security, 40% of the people who will get retirement benefits will have paid nothing for them. Social Security will then loose all pretext of being a retirement plan, and will become a national welfare program.

    This will cause Social Security to lose public support in a massive way. Leave Social Security contributions out of income tax plans. If you take some peoples income taxes to pay others Social Security taxes, Social Security will be destroyed forever.

    Charless last blog post..How Obama’s tax plan will destroy Social Security system.