Gay Marriage

California Proposition 8 Aftermath – An UGLY Attack Against Mormons

Courage Campaign’s television ad: “Home Invasion”: Vote NO on Prop 8

Jonah Goldberg has a piece today up at the Los Angeles Times decrying the anti-Mormon tone of California Proposition 8 protesters.

It’s often lost on gay-rights groups that they and their allies are the aggressors in the culture war. Indeed, they admit to being the “forces of change” and the “agents of progress.” They proudly want to rewrite tradition and overturn laws. But whenever they’re challenged democratically and peaceably, they instantly complain of being victims of entrenched bigots, even as they adopt the very tactics they abhor.

My own view is that gay marriage is likely inevitable, and won’t be nearly the disaster many of my fellow conservatives fear it will be. But the scorched-earth campaign to victory pushed by gay-marriage advocates may well be disastrous, and “liberals” should be ashamed for countenancing it.

What Goldberg fails to acknowledge is that the homosexual lobby will NOT stop with legalizing same sex marriage.They will demand complete societal acceptance of homosexuality – “whether you like it or not.”


Catholics Condemn Gay Marriage Ad for Religious Biogtry and Intolerance of the Mormon Faith

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