Barack Obama

The LEFT is Becoming Restless with Obama

Barack Obama on Meet The Press yesterday discussing terrorism

No surprise here, is there? Obama is moving to the Center and changing his radical left-wing promises and the LEFT is wondering: what happened?

Let’s see:

  • No Oil company Windfall Profits tax
  • No immediate repeal of the Bush tax cuts
  • No immediate withdrawal from Iraq

And, look at all of those centrist or right appointments to his cabinet:

  • Gates at Defense
  • Clinton at State

But, we all knew Obama was “hiding the ball” during the campaign, now didn’t we?

“He hasn’t had a first day in office,” said John Isaacs, the executive director for Council for Livable World. “To me it’s not as important as who’s there, than what kind of policies they carry out.”

“These aren’t out-and-out liberals on the national security team, but they may be successful implementers of what the Obama national security policy is,” Isaacs added. “We want to see what policies are carried forward, as opposed to appointments.”

Juan Cole, who runs a prominent anti-war blog called Informed Comment, said he worries Obama will get bad advice from Clinton on the Middle East, calling her too pro-Israel and “belligerent” toward Iran. “But overall, my estimation is that he has chosen competence over ideology, and I’m willing to cut him some slack,” Cole said.

Other voices of the left don’t like what they’re seeing so far and aren’t waiting for more before they speak up.

New York Times columnist Frank Rich warned that Obama’s economic team of Summers and Geithner reminded him of John F. Kennedy’s “best and the brightest” team, who blundered in Vietnam despite their blue-chip pedigrees.

David Corn, Washington bureau chief of the liberal magazine Mother Jones, wrote in Sunday’s Washington Post that he is “not yet reaching for a pitchfork.”

But the headline of his op-ed sums up his point about Obama’s Cabinet appointments so far: “This Wasn’t Quite the Change We Envisioned.”

Plus Ca Change.

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