Barack Obama,  economics

Poll Watch: 37 Per Cent of Americans Say Major Changes Needed for Obama Economic Stimulus Bill


This poll will certainly not help the passage of S. 1 as it is now written – all 736 pages of it.

Flap wonders why President Obama who is clamouring for quick passage of an economic stimulus bill cannot demand a “CLEAN BILL” from Democrat Congressional leaders?

How about stripping out the pork-barrel spending, adding a payroll tax cut and immediately jump start the job market with business tax cuts?

Sounds too simple, doesn’t it?

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  • Pine Ridge School

    Its really hard to determine what is the correct action to take in this weak economy, I think Obama is on the right track. Considering how much flack and lack of success that previous ballouts and attempts to fix the economic crisis have amounted for during the previous administration, I’m torn between having an opinion on this or just giving Obama the benefit of the doubt on this and seeing what happens.