Day By Day,  Nancy Pelosi

Day By Day by Chris Muir March 12, 2009 – Communication

day by day 031209

Day By Day by Chris Muir

What started as a Bush Administration policy to protect Presidential succession after 9/11 has turned very WRONG with the Diva-type abuse by Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has gone from frequent flier to jet-aircraft connoisseur, with aides berating military officials to get the best planes, e-mails revealed yesterday.

Pelosi, who clashed with the military to get nonstop service when she flies home to California with police protection on government planes, revealed a particular fondness for Gulfstream’s sleek G-5 – a plane glamorized in Hollywood films and rap videos.

“It is my understanding there are no G-5s available for the House during the Memorial Day recess. This is totally unacceptable . . . The speaker will want to know where the planes are,” a Pelosi aide wrote in an angry e-mail to the military.

In another, the same aide wanted the plane for a House delegation when the fleet was being used for senators and Cabinet members.

“This is not good news, and we will have some very disappointed folks, as well as a very upset speaker,” the e-mail said.

The military was offering up an Air Force version of a Boeing 737.

The e-mails were obtained from the government by the watchdog group Judicial Watch.

Sorry, but Speaker Pelosi can simply make do with the Boeing 737 for her trips back to California on the weekend. Why the federal government has a fleet of G-5’s for use by government officials is a question in itself.

The Obama Administration must answer the question as to who has use of these planes and why?


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