Barack Obama,  Guns,  Hillary Clinton,  Mexico

Video: The 90 Per Cent Myth of United States Guns in Mexico

Fox News Special Report on Mexican Guns:While 90 percent of the guns traced to the U.S. actually originated in the United States, the percent traced to the U.S. is only about 17 percent of the total number of guns reaching Mexico.

Talk about a government statistic that has been used to further an agenda.

You’ve heard this shocking “fact” before — on TV and radio, in newspapers, on the Internet and from the highest politicians in the land: 90 percent of the weapons used to commit crimes in Mexico come from the United States.

  • Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said it to reporters on a flight to Mexico City.
  • CBS newsman Bob Schieffer referred to it while interviewing President Obama.
  • California Sen. Dianne Feinstein said at a Senate hearing: “It is unacceptable to have 90 percent of the guns that are picked up in Mexico and used to shoot judges, police officers and mayors … come from the United States.”
  • William Hoover, assistant director for field operations at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, testified in the House of Representatives that “there is more than enough evidence to indicate that over 90 percent of the firearms that have either been recovered in, or interdicted in transport to Mexico, originated from various sources within the United States.”

There’s just one problem with the 90 percent “statistic” and it’s a big one:

It’s just not true.

But, now, the ATF has clarified their statistic used by their own agency’s assisant director: “is that over 90 percent of the traced firearms originate from the U.S.”

The problem is:

“Not every weapon seized in Mexico has a serial number on it that would make it traceable, and the U.S. effort to trace weapons really only extends to weapons that have been in the U.S. market,” Matt Allen, special agent of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), told FOX News.

So, where do the guns come from?

Not necessarly from the United States.

Most of these weapons are being smuggled from Central American countries or by sea, eluding U.S. and Mexican monitors who are focused on the smuggling of semiauto- matic and conventional weapons purchased from dealers in the U.S. border states of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California.

The proliferation of heavier armaments points to a menacing new stage in the Mexican government’s 2-year-old war against drug organizations, which are evolving into a more militarized force prepared to take on Mexican army troops, deployed by the thousands, as well as to attack each other.

These groups appear to be taking advantage of a robust global black market and porous borders, especially between Mexico and Guatemala. Some of the weapons are left over from the wars that the United States helped fight in Central America, U.S. officials said.

So, why are American politicians using this misleading 90 per cent statistic?

The conspiratorial folks will say the Obama Administration is laying the groundwork to grab their guns.

I say that the Obama administration must be watched closely when they use statistics to justify public policy changes.

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