Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin and SarahPAC Ethics Complaint Dismissed

Thomas Van Flein discusses the dismissal of an ethics complaint filed against Gov. Sarah Palin on the Eddie Burke radio program on May 8, 2009.

Another Sarah Palin BS Alaska Ethics complaint has been dismissed today.

An attorney hired by the state personnel board has dismissed an ethics complaint claiming that Gov. Sarah Palin’s role in the political action committee SarahPAC poses a conflict with her official duties as governor.

“I find that the complaint does not allege facts which constitute a violation of the Ethics Act. Therefore an investigation is not warranted. Pursuant to my authority…the complaint is hereby dismissed,” independent counsel Thomas Daniel concluded today.

The complaint was brought by Anchorage resident Sondra Tompkins.

The complaint says the governor abdicated her governor duties at a critical time — the end of the legislative session, when she went to Indiana for two events, a Right to Life banquet and a breakfast for families with Down syndrome children.

“The recent partisan trip to Indiana by the Governor was purely to benefit personal interests, had no benefit for the State of Alaska and was in direct conflict with her official duties,” the complaint said.

Daniel, an Anchorage attorney, said that’s a political issue, not an ethical one.

“The governor’s decision to leave the state at the end of the legislative session, may have been unwise. But the voters should express their opinion on that subject at the ballot box – not in an ethics complaint,” he wrote.

Of course, the complaint was politically motivated and had nothing to do with good government, ethics or anything but partisanship.

It is interesting that the MSM is all over the place when one of these complaints is filed against the Alaska governor but seem to miss the dismissla part.

Maybe it is because Alaska is so far West for the Eastern time zone USA press?


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One Comment

  • Ling

    I remember reading about this complaint when it was filed. I can’t remember the full story, but I remember thinking that someone needs to find out more about this Tompkins woman – seems like she’s going out of her way to try and get back at Palin. If you dig deep enough, I think there might be more to this than just a crazy Dem.