Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin Travels Overseas – Visiting Troops in Kosovo

Sarah Palin talks to Camp Bondsteel soldiers June 26, 2009

Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is travelling overseas.

She is tweeting her trip here.

  1. Why U.S. peace missions for freedom? “America is still the abiding alternative to tyranny. That is our purpose in the world.” Ronald R

  2. Met w Lithuanian Minister of Defense, Rasa Jukneviciene. She’s a conservative in Parliament here for Change of Command & peacekeeping exercz

  3. I’ll send pics to Aces & KWHL (they’ll appreciate it) of Alaska Aviators here in Kosovo eating breakfst under our blue AK Aces hockey jersey

  4. Walked Kosovo streets w/ KFOR troops, folks chatted about their interest in U.S. & they knew a lot about Alaska! Taught them Yupik greetings

  5. Spoke to Task Force Falcon this morn + 100’s of troops from throughout US, & allies; audience of true heroes who sacrifice much for freedom

  6. Now in Faik Konica school, our troops helping local students learn English along w/Pristina interpreters. Enthused kids thankful for U.S.

  7. So glad to be here in Kosovo visiting AK’s courageous Nat’l Guardsmen & women. More details on trip @

While President Obama is fiddling while Iran burns and North Korea threatens, Palin is off to another part of the world building up her foreign policy cred – a little at a time.

Stay tuned……..

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  • Karen

    Thank you, Gov. Palin for visiting my husband in Kosovo. He really enjoyed having lunch with you! Thank you for all you do for our Alaskan troops! God Bless you and your Family!

  • greg

    It’s good to see that her trip is starting to get some coverage. So far, the MSM has virtually ignored the trip itself, and concentrated instead on the joke she made about Kerry which is at the very end of her ten minute address to the troops. Gov. Palin is doing what she does best, connect with people on a personal level, something that few politicians can. Today she is in Germany visiting wounded soldiers.

  • jim

    That’s a good gesture of making her presence felt especially with our troops abroad. I’m glad that She praises our troops and our country. This seems to be a rare thing these days.