Sarah Palin

The NEW Sarah Palin: Palin’s Plan

Palin plans

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin announces that she is stepping down from her position as Governor in Wasilla, Alaska on Friday July 3, 2009. The former Republican vice presidential candidate made the surprise announcement, saying she would step down July 26 but didn’t announce her plans

Roger Stone, politico and adviser extraordinaire has it RIGHT about Sarah Palin.

Like Nixon, Palin needs some rehabilitation to her political image caused by the relentless attacks of the elitist media, the knife-work of the relatively talentless Republican Party pros like Steve Schmidt and her own self-inflicted wounds from the post election period that were born out of inexperience at this level of political combat. Like Nixon, Palin can re-make herself in the controlled environment of television. Instead of being tortured by smug media types like Katie Couric, Palin can demonstrate her better understanding of issues and articulate a case against Obama. She can be folksy and plain-spoken and above all, ‘smart.’ All hail the Conservative Oprah!

The “New Palin” is crucial to the expansion beyond her base of true believers to be a viable presidential candidate. The obvious place for Palin to re-tool her political image is FOX television. FOX’s viewers are Palin’s potential voters. It is ironic that FOX president Roger Ailes is the genius TV producer who erased candidate Nixon’s flaws in a controlled environment and facilitated the greatest political comeback in American history, is at the helm at FOX.

As Bill Kristol, the only DC based analyst who “gets it” said the move also frees Palin to “write her book, give speeches, travel the country, and educate herself on some issues.” It also frees her to build a net work of fundraisers and supporters throughout the country – many of whom will be her TV viewers.

Palin will also be more in demand as a dinner speaker, fundraiser and campaigner than any other Republican in 2011. She can suspend her TV career and will have a chance to collect countless political IOUs along the way, campaigning for candidates and raising them money and hitting the State Republican dinner circuit. Demand for the “New Palin” will only increase.

Palin’s “star-power,” charisma, presence and genuineness cannot be discounted. No one can discount her moxie, her energy and her inspirational qualities. Her anti-elite middle-class message can have resonance again when the Obama economic policies likely fail. The Ivy leaguers and Hollywood crowd so high on Obama may be riding for a fall. The media has unfairly labeled her as “dumb.” All she must do is disprove this…and she can have sixty minutes each week to do it.

Palin’s stunning move guarantees an outsider strategy in which Palin is a movement but not a party candidate. No decision on running should be made until 2011 and focus must be on image repair. This is a woman who held off 36 year Senate vet Joe Biden in a 90 minute debate. She may just be up to the task.

Ok, now over to Roger Ailes and Fox News.

Might she partner up with her friend Greta as a start?

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  • Ling

    I don’t think Palin will shift to Fox. It would actually mean a demotion, I think. What she needs now is a cause. She needs to use her PAC and push 1 or 2 causes, and make a success out of it. Do some good work. 1 year of some good headlines about how much her PAC is helping people and Republican politicians with fundraising and she’s as good as got it locked in.