Obamacare,  Polling

Obamacare: More Americans Disapprove of Obama’s Health Care Plan Than Approve of It


In fact, 46 per cent disapprove of Obamacare while ONLY 41 per cent approve of it. 13 per cent are not sure.

Those numbers aren’t too far off from what former President Bill Clinton faced when he made an unsuccessful attempt to overhaul health care in his first term.

In July 1994, 52% disapproved of Clinton’s plan while 40% approved.

And, my bet is that most Americans don’t fully understand Obama’s plan to nationalize or socialize the health care system – while he lies that his plan does no such thing.

While there will be NO Congressional vote on Obamacare before the August recess, the original House Obamacare proposal may be DOA when the U.S. Senate reconvenes in the Fall.

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