Obamacare,  Polling

Obamacare Poll Watch: 47 Per Cent of Americans Oppose a Public/Government Option

So says the latest WSJ/NBC poll.

The question of whether or not the eventual health-care reform legislation will include a public/government option to compete with private insurers has dominated the health-care debate over the past two days.

And according to a brand-new NBC News poll, 47% of Americans — a plurality — oppose the public plan, versus 43% who support it. That’s a shift from last month’s NBC/WSJ poll, when 46% said they backed it and 44% were opposed.

In a follow-up question explaining the benefits and disadvantages associated with a public plan, 45% said they agreed with the description — by supporters — that it would help lower health-care costs and provide coverage for uninsured Americans.

But 48% sided with opponents who say a public option would reduce access to their choice of doctors, and would lower costs by limiting medical treatment options.

After the Sebellius trial balloon on Sunday, the blowback from the LEFT has been extreme.

So, Obama will either compromise or any health care reform is DEAD on delivery in the Senate. By the way, the GOP knew that Sebellius change of heart was a “Trojan Horse.”

Does the Obama Administration really think the GOP is that stupid?

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