Harry Reid

Harry Reid: Ted Kennedy’s Death is Going to Help Us

On day three of the feud between Democrat Senate Majority Leader Reid and Nevada’s largest newspaper, Sherman Frederick appears on Fox to discuss Reid’s comment about the newspaper going out of business

First, it was Dingy Harry Reid wishing Nevada’s largest newspaper would go out of business. Now, he is channeling Ted Kennedy’s death to help who – US.

Does he mean the Democrats? Or President Obama’s health care reforms?

I suppose it doesn’t much matter and read the entire interview here.

Q: Do you think this recess has helped or hurt efforts to get a health care reform bill passed

A: Oh I think it’s helped. For one thing I think the American people have seen the wrongness of trying to interrupt meetings and yell and scream at people. That’s lost a lot of its pizzazz. I think its given time for members to contemplate what’s important. We can talk to our constituents. I’ve traveled the state talking to people. I think they’ve been very constructive meetings.

Q: How will U.S. Sen. (Edward) Kennedy’s death affect things?

A: I think it’s going to help us. He hasn’t been around for some time. We’re going to have a new chairman of that committee, it’ll be, I don’t know for sure, but I think Sen. (Chris) Dodd, (D-Conn.). He has a right to take it. Either him or (U.S. Sen. Tom) Harkin, (D-Iowa), whichever one wants it can have it. I think he (Kennedy) will be a help. He’s an inspiration for us. That was the issue of his life and he didn’t get it done.

The entire interview is from a cranky, old man who should be retired out of office by Nevada voters next year.