Barbara Boxer,  Carly Fiorina

Cap and Trade Legislation an Issue in Carly Fiorina Vs. Barbara Boxer 2010 Senate Race

carlyvsboxer Carly Fiorina Watch: Announcement for U.S. Senate Race Next Week

With Carly Fiorina likely to announce her candidacy for the California U.S. Senate tomorrow, Senator Boxer’s cap and trade legislation markup this afternoon will certainly be scrutinized.

As Sen. Barbara Boxer, California Democrat, oversees the markup of her centerpiece cap-and-trade legislation Tuesday morning, it’s a sure bet that Carly Fiorina will be taking notes.

Although the Republican Fiorina has yet to announce her candidacy for California’s 2010 Senate race, Mrs. Fiorina has been drawing attention to Mrs. Boxer’s management of the legislation. Mrs. Fiorina’s Twitter account, for example, has been linking news stories from the New York Times, Politico and Gay Patriot that highlight Mrs. Boxer’s lack of success gaining support for bill among moderate Democrats and the GOP, often with the phrase “ineffective Boxer.”

Stay tuned……


Flap has been informed that Carly Fiorina will be hosting a blogger conference call tomorrow at 12:30 PM PST. Will this be a follow-up or a prelude to her formal announcement of candidacy?

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