Day By Day,  Obamacare

Day by Day by Chris Muir March 20, 2010 – Pound Sand

Day By Day by Chris Muir

It appears NOW that the Democrat Congressional leaders have decided to drop “deem and pass” for a separate vote on the U.S. Senate health bill (Obamacare). Perhaps it is the American voters outrage or more than likely it is due to constitutional issues and a possible court challenge.


A few days ago I said that this Obamacare health legislation may pass this round but the fight will not cease. And, the Democrat members of Congress who vote for this Senate bill and which is then passed via reconciliation back in the U.S. Senate will lose their seats in the next election. Most of this Obamacare legisation will not be around a year from now as will the Democrat Party majority in the House and perhaps the Senate.

The White House and the Democrat Congressional leadership may celebrate tomorrow but will pay the price in November.

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