Day By Day,  Obamacare

Day By Day March 24, 2010 – The Crutch

Day By Day by Chris Muir

Enough of the name calling and demonizing of Obamacare. Obama’s health care reform legislation is bad for the country and I doubt that the worst parts of it will ever be implemented. Plus, the national Republican Party will be able to run against it in the 2010 and 2012 elections and win a goodly number of seats in Congress back from the Democrats.

Is there any wonder why the LEFT wants to brand Tea Party activists and other Obamcare opponents as racist? Maybe they can salvage some seats in November.

Remember the worst parts of Obamacare, including the cuts in Medicare and tax increases do not take effect until after the Presidential re-election campaign of Obama in 2012. Unfortunately, the economic malaise the country is in will not improve with Obamacare looming in the future.

Look for massive revisions in the legislation starting in February 2011.


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One Comment

  • Abbey

    Personally, I don’t see the point on putting out racist remarks directed at African Americans just because people don’t agree to what Obama presented for healthcare reform. Shouldn’t we look at it objectively as opposed to taking the bashing to a personal level?