Barbara Boxer,  Carly Fiorina

CA-Sen Poll Watch: Barbara Boxer 39% Vs. Carly Fiorina 34% Vs Undecided 22%

Courtesy of Real Clear Politics

Plenty of play left for Carly Fiorina after the lazy days of summer politics in California.

With the campaigns in full swing over what are supposed to be lazy summer months, a new survey from the Public Policy Institute of California finds the races for governor and U.S. Senate are both up for grabs.

Democratic gubernatorial nominee Jerry Brown is leading his Republican opponent Meg Whitman, 37% to 34%. Meanwhile, Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer is ahead of Republican Carly Fiorina, 39% to 34%.

When the media campaigns heat up after Labor Day, we will know the extent of anti-incumbent sentiment in solid Democrat California. Until then, enjoy the summer and fluctuating poll numbers.