Sharron Angle

NV-Sen Video: Sharron Angle’s “WIPEOUT”

I haven’t seen this one air yet but Sharron Angle’s other ad “Please Stop” is pretty compelling. Although this race will continue to be close and down to the wire, Angle has been airing some good media.


  • cynthia ryan

    I’m curious to know: just how are these ads ‘compelling’? Facts might be compelling, but the don’t seem to show up in her ads.

    Angle’s ad might best be referred to in the context of this logical argument:

    The opposite belief, correlation proves causation, is a logical fallacy by which two events that occur together are claimed to have a cause-and-effect relationship. The fallacy is also known as cum hoc ergo propter hoc (Latin for “with this, therefore because of this”) and false cause.

    Now, if facts and causation aren’t the compelling factors, and purely an emotional response is what you find compelling, then I agree with you. However, I prefer to vote for a candidate based on sound, evidence and logic based information.

  • Flap

    Uh huh….The ad is now playing on Las Vegas TV twice an hour on most television stations. In the meantime, Reid and Angle are tied in the polls. Angle is up a few points lately but within the margin of error.

    Angle is scoring points with her latest round of ads with Reid trying to counter by calling Angle an extremist in his.

    Logical argument in political ads?

    When has that ever happened?