Barbara Boxer,  Carly Fiorina

CA-Sen Video: The Central Valley of California Turning Its Back on Barbara Boxer

“It might have been 6 to 8 months since we’ve seen her,” says a local news reporter

Can you blame these California voters?

Let’s look at some facts:

  • Fresno County Is Struggling Under An Unemployment Rate Of 16.2 Percent.  (California Employment Development Department Website,, Accessed 08/23/10)
  • Fresno County Has An Unemployment Population Of 73,200. (California Employment Development Department Website,, Accessed 08/23/10)

Some leadership Senator and look at this wonderful graphic which is more reminiscent of a third world slum than a city in California.

Fresno in Reality (from the Daily Beast’s America’s 50 Poorest Cities):

What about it, Senator?

Think you should be re-elected?

I don’t think so……… This Californian will be voting for Carly Fiorina.


  • George West

    Ah yes the same Carla that outsources tons of jobs to India during her far too long career with Hewlett packard. You wont’ find prosperity with her at the helm. In fact I’d expect that unemployment to only go up…in california anyways. I’m sure Bangalore and Mumbai would LOVE to see her win.

    I feel for you folks in California. You pretty much are expected to pick from two piles of shit, and then decide which ones smells less rank.

  • Flap

    Yeah Carly, it is CARLY not Carla, outsourced some jobs during the dot com bust in the early 2000’s. Big deal – alot of companies did that then and alot of folks have been hired back albeit in different positions. Why do companies out source jobs?

    Because it is cheaper……

    That is business. Perhaps if the government promoted job creation instead of taxing corporations so much.

    But, Boxer has been in the Senate for how many years – 20+ and her record is one of utter failure.