Day By Day

Day By Day October 4, 2010 – I, Breitbartacus

Chris, you mean the LEFT biased MSM did not cover the “One Nation” failed rally of union members who were bused into D.C.?Shocking.

New media has changed the game and the ol’ Saul Alinsky astroturfing tactics which was used by the LEFT in 2006 and 2008 are now transparent. Amereican voters will not have to take wait for their paper copy of their local newspaper to find out what happened. They will simply click onto YouTube and see for themselves.

Probably not so good for community/union organizer spinners.


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One Comment

  • Phillip Sutcliff

    Probably because it was a non-story. I mean unions protesting about something? Hell that’s almsot every week in Detroit. Now if they actually worked more then half the year before thretening to strike, then watch things change.