Day By Day,  WikiLeaks

Day By Day December 23, 2010 – Informers

Day By Day by Chris Muir

Where does WikiLeaks fall into the equation? Tattletaler?

Phil Goff, the leader of New Zealand’s Labor party lashed out on Thursday at former United States Ambassador Charles Swindells for accusing Wellington of over-reacting to the 2004 arrest of two suspected Mossad agents who had allegedly tried to obtain New Zealand passports fraudulently.
In diplomatic cables released by Wikileaks, Swindells said New Zealand’s government had “little to lose” by acting against Israel “and possibly something to gain in the Arab world… actively pursuing trade with Arab states”.
Goff said Swindells was appointed ambassador to New Zealand because he was a “Republican Party funder,” adding that the former American envoy did not understand diplomacy, and as a result fed wrong information about New Zealand to his government.
Goff said Swindells let his background as a financier influence how he saw foreign affairs.

“It’s the norm for the Americans to appoint ambassadors that aren’t professionals… Charles I think really suffered from a lack of knowledge and a lack of understanding of how countries work and what they do,” he said.

I really do not know where WikiLeaks is going?

Julian Assange is taking it upon himself to be judge, jury and executioner.
Remember the old saying about ABSOLUTE POWER and CORRUPTION.


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