• Republican National Committee,  Saul Anuzis

    Video: RNC Pre-Debate Interview with Saul Anuzis

    Saul Anuzis has served as Chairman of the Michigan Republican Party (2005-09), a member of American Solutions and Jack Kemp’s 1988 presidential campaign, Chief of Staff to Senate Majority Leader Dick Posthumus, Chairman of the Michigan Senate Republican Campaign Committee, and a member of the Michigan House Republican Campaign Committee. He was most recently the Chairman of the RNC’s Committee on Technology, as well as Michigan’s National Committeeman to the RNC.

    The Republican National Committee Chairmanship race heats up today with a debate to be held at 1 PM (EST). You can watch it here or here.

    I will try to post up pre-debate interviews for all of the candidates.

  • Elita Loresca

    Weather in Los Angeles is Rough But at Least There is Elita Loresca

    KNBC Los Angeles Weather Forecaster Elita Loresca

    The weather in LA is tough this morning. But……

    At least there is Elita Loresca , my favorite weather broadcaster.

    Yeah, I have been looking for an excuse to post these photos. But, first Elita had to wear her red sweater.

    What a way to test out my new Bloggie.

    And, it makes the cold and rainy weather in Los Angeles so much easier to withstand.

    By the way, I know I am a pig……….


  • Jim DeMint

    Video: Senator Jim DeMint in Human Events Interview – Conservative of the Year

    South Carolina GOP Senator Jim DeMint was named Conservative of the Year by Human Events. In an interview by Jason Mattera he said he believes Republicans should “resist” a vote to enlarge the top limit on the nation’s debt.

    “We need to have a showdown at this point that we are not going to increase our debt ceiling anymore. We are going to cut [spending] necessary to stay within the current levels, which is over $14 trillion. This needs to be a big showdown.”

    Watch the entire interview.

    There will be some fireworks in the new GOP controlled House and the Senate when the debt ceiling deadline showdown comes to fruition in the next few months.