• Day By Day,  Elena Kagen

    Day By Day May 10, 2010 – Barack’s New Clothes

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    President Obama is the Emperor not wearing any clothes, eh?

    The latest edition will be Obama’s latest – the appointment of Solicitor General Elena Kagen to the U.S. Supreme Court.

    Solicitor General Elena Kagan will be nominated Monday to the Supreme Court by President Barack Obama, a person familiar with the president’s thinking says, positioning the high court to have three women justices for the first time.

    Obama will announce his choice at 10 a.m. in the East Room of the White House alongside Vice President Joe Biden and Kagan, who will also speak. The room will be filled with Kagan’s Justice Department colleagues and other guests invited to soak in one of a presidency’s biggest moments.

    Obama has started making calls to Senate leaders to inform them of his choice, while his White House team is launching a broad campaign-style outreach to Capitol Hill and the media. That effort is designed to shape the national image of Kagan, an unknown figure to much of America.

    Elections have consequences and with Kagen’s lack of judicial experience, yet committed leftist politics her appointment will weigh on the Obama brand. Some have talked of Kagen as Obama’s Harriet Miers.

    If the Republicans play this RIGHT, they may damage the Democrats even more before the fall’s midterm Congressional elections.


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