• Barack Obama,  John McCain

    John McCain Watch: Ripping Babs and Obama

    John McCain in Ohio this afternoon

    John McCain rips Barack Obama and his celebrity friend Barbara Streisand who is hosting a $28,5000 a plate fundraising dinner tonight in Beverly Hills.

    Key Graph:

    “Now I believe America’s best days are ahead of us. Governor Palin and I are going to reform Wall Street. We’re going to reform Washington. I’m going to fight for you and I’m going to lead our nation forward in the greatest periods of prosperity in its history. And let’s have some straight talk. Senator Obama is not interested in the politics of hope, he’s interested in his political future and that’s why he’s hurling in insults and making up facts about his record.

    “Today, he claimed that the Congressional stimulus package was his idea. That’s news to those of us in Congress who supported it. Senator Obama didn’t even show up to vote.

    “He talks a tough game on the financial crisis, but the facts tell a different story. Senator Obama took more money from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac than anyone but the chairman of the committee they answer to. And he put Fannie Mae’s CEO, who helped create this problem in charge of finding his Vice President. That’s not change, that’s what’s broken in Washington.

    “He talked about siding with the people, siding with the people, just before he flew off to Hollywood for a fundraiser with Barbra Streisand and his celebrity friends. Let me tell you, my friends, there is no place I’d rather be, than here, with the working men and women of Ohio. I’m going to fight for you and together we’re going to win in November.”

    Tonight, Senator McCain and Governor Palin will be having dinner at a diner in Ohio.