• Chip Saltsman,  Mike Huckabee,  Mitt Romney,  Sarah Palin

    Mike Huckabee Advisor Chip Saltsman Moves to be Freshman Congressman’s Chief of Staff

    Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee and Chip Saltsman

    Looks to me that Mike Huckabee will NOT be running for President in 2012.

    Mike Huckabee and his top advisers insist that he’s thinking seriously about running for president, but he’s doing little to put together the sort of organization needed to mount a campaign. The latest evidence: Chip Saltsman, his campaign manager in 2008 and one of his closest confidantes, has accepted a job as Chief of Staff for freshman Rep. Chuck Fleischmann (R-Tenn.).

    In an interview, Saltsman said his taking the job should not be read as an indication about Huckabee’s intentions.

    “I have a Notre Dame clause in my contract,” he quipped. “So I can leave if a presidential comes a calling.”

    That’s to say that if a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity came along – in football it would be coaching the Fighting Irish, in politics it’s running a White House campaign — he’d be able to take his leave.

    I don’t buy this explanation.

    Chip Saltsman needs a job and is taking it since Mike Huckabee will likely keep his Fox News gig and not run for the Presidency. Huckabee can read the Tea Leaves and understands he could not beat Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin in a three way race – regardless of his 20 plus per cent in recent polls.

    More on breaking polls and Sarah Palin moves in Iowa later…….