Barack Obama,  John McCain,  Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin Watch: Humanizing The Palin Family


Bristol Palin, 17, holds her brother Trig during the campaign rally where Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., introduced Bristol and Trig’s mom, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, as his vice presidential running mate in Dayton, Ohio, Friday, Aug. 29, 2008. Sarah Palin said Monday, Sept. 1, 2008, that her 17-year-old unmarried daughter is five months pregnant. With Bristol is, left to right, their father Todd and sisters Piper and Willow

[Flap is late to this story today because he has been in Los Angeles visiting his father in law who is in the hospital.]

Not a good day for Alaska Governor and presumptive Republican nominee for Vice President Sarah Palin for keep her private family matters private.

First, it was reported that Palin’s husband Todd had been arrested in 1986 for a DUI (Driving While Intoxicated).

Sources close to Sarah Palin tell The Brody File that the husband of the GOP Vice-presidential choice, Todd Palin, was arrested and charged with Driving under the Influence of alcohol back in 1986. He was 22 years old at the time. He was driving in a truck with some friends in the small southwestern Alaska town of Dillingham when he was pulled over for the DUI. As is customary, he was taken to jail briefly. Sarah and Todd Palin were high school sweethearts so they were dating at the time. The Brody File can also report that there was no accident or injuries.


US Republican presidential candidate Senator John McCain (R-AZ) (L), his running mate Alaska Governor Sarah Palin (C) and her husband Todd campaign in Washington, Pennsylvania August 30, 2008.

Then, it was announced by the Governor and Todd Palin that their daughter, Bristol, 17 was pregnant.

The 17-year-old unmarried daughter of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is pregnant, Palin said on Monday in an announcement intended to knock down rumors by liberal bloggers that Palin faked her own pregnancy to cover up for her child.

Bristol Palin, one of Alaska Gov. Palin’s five children with her husband Todd, is about five months pregnant and is going to keep the child and marry the father, according to aides of Republican presidential candidate John McCain.

Bristol Palin made the decision on her own to keep the baby, the aides said.

So, what effect will these revelations have on the McCain-Palin ticket?

Flap will venture to say they will be positive – against the conventional wisdom.


Can’t most American voters identify with these family problems and do they not wish to have their leaders with a wealth of life experience? You know, A Human Family with average family life – not all smooth sailing without trials and tribulations.

Isn’t this the rationale Barack Obama uses to excuse his drug taking behavior while he was in high school?

The real question is whether the Democrats and Obama-Biden surrogates will use these family issues to attack McCain-Palin.

Stay tuned…..

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  • Ling

    I think its pretty clear where the Dems are zeroing in on – The issue of whether or not the McCain campaign vetted Palin properly ot not. If it comes out that McCain didn’t have Palin on his list, and she was just chosen as a last-minute replacement without having been vetted, then the Dems will go at it real hard, questioning McCain’s judgment under pressure. Already, there are whispers that the campaign is lying about knowing all this stuff about Palin beforehand.

  • Flap

    The Democrat/Left wants to distract the public away from the Republican Convention and undermine the historic selection of Palin.

    What the Left is not mentioning are the financial ethical challenges Biden’s children pose him and Barack Obama’s drug use when he was in high school.

    Don’t hear much about these issues – YET.

  • Jack

    Is it sexism to ask the question? “America First” or “Family First” Which will it be?

    Governor Palin may be able to take her baby to work with her and nurse during a meeting as Governor of Alaska – a state with a population of 626,000 people. It is a different story being the VP of the United States. I think a woman with children is certainly capable of being the VP or president of the US, but I do question the judgment and “family first” priority of a new mother with a newborn having special needs.

    Her husband, Todd, is employed by BP as an oil field operator and works in Alaska’s Northslope oil fields nearly 1300 miles away from the Governor’s mansion in Juneau, AK. I hardly think he is the one to stay at home with the kids when they are sick or take the the day off for medical appointments. The Alaska media had this to say:
    Mr. Palin goes back to Prudhoe
    by Mike Ross
    Tuesday, Aug. 21, 2007

    ANCHORAGE, Alaska — A decision by Alaska’s first family is raising concerns about a possible conflict of interest involving Gov. Sarah Palin and the oil industry.

    The governor’s husband, Todd Palin, is back on BP’s payroll. Gov. Palin says his return will not influence her decisions involving the oil industry, but one former lawmaker who wrote an ethics guideline for the administration believes it’s a bad move at the wrong time.

    “You know, we’ve never hidden the fact that Todd had a job and he’s created to work,” said the governor. “He wants to keep working…”

  • Flap

    Let me understand what you are saying.

    1. Sarah Palin would not be able to balance the job with her family?

    2. And, her husband has a conflict of interest because he works for an oil company.

    So, in #1 are you concerned with her family or her job performance as Vice President?

    In #2 why are you concerned with the husband being employed by a large corporation? Should he quit his job and become a lobbyist like Joe Biden’s son?

  • Renee

    I agree with Jack I do not think that it is sexism to ask the question America First or Family First? The Family have a child with an illness. Downsydrome is an medical illness not a mental illness. I have a family member with downsydrome and his mother was barely able to manage a career that had few responsiblities. She always had to go to doctors appointments, child getting hospitalizated due to breathing troubles, babysitters rushing him to the hospital and therapy. As a mother going through things like can be very tramatic, time consuming and can effect your job performance. I doubt she will be able to take her medical ill child every where she go as a vp. I doubt when she have to meet with congress, leader from difference countries, and other important classified meeting they will welcome a screaming baby and kids with open arms. I know everyone say well she do have the support of husband. But the husband has a job to, I know there are times when he can not leave work or be there to take the son to doctor. That is why she had her kids at her meetings in the first place. Her kids need the attention of both parents not just one. As a VP she will be required to travel to areas where she would not be able to take her medical ill child. Being a VP is very time consuming, stressful. She have stress with 4 month old with downsydrome and then the add stress of VP. What kind of relationship will she have with her downsydrome 4 month old if she traveling or always to busy for him. What kind of VP will she be to America if she has to cancel meeting, can not stay in important meeting because her son is sick? Are we suppose to tell her to put her country before her sick child?

  • Renee

    Yes I have 3 kids and another on the way. One of my kids is special needs. He has autism no he does not have any health problems. But I am always going to the therapy with him, meetings to learn more about autism. As a full time student and working mother I have to admit dealing with the stress having a special needs child has affected my work and school some. I know there are sacrifics I have to make in order to adjust to my sons needs. I am not saying she can not do the job because she have kids. But because the attention she have to give to her downsydrome son she may not be the best pick. A child is not an accessory you can just take off the shelf and wear when they make you look good.

  • Flap

    Well, I have raised four children and I say you are wrong. Don’t you think Sarah Palin’s family including her husband would help her out with the kids?

    I know I have.

    Isn’t your family helping you since you are a full time student and working? Or are you doing it all?

  • Renee

    By the way I think that it is very inspirational that another women is change the look of politcals. If Hilary Clinton was a republican and going to be John McClains pick for VP, he would have had my vote. This woman has showed many times over she can balance family life with work. Nothing is more beauiful then a women that can balance her family life, work life and still be able to take time for herself. I believe that campaigning is just like going on a job interview. The employers look at past performances and voters look at past performance. The employers look for the right qualifications so does voters. In some job that require you to travel over 50% of the time and work long hours the employer can asked will you be able to balance your home life. Will your sponse and kids be ok with traveling and being away from the home over 50-80% of time. Sarah Palin has not show that. In fact as a governor she had to bring her kids to meetings. Where is the help from her husband?

  • Flap

    Funny you didn’t answer and avoided my questions.

    Hillary Clinton is better because of one child or because she didn’t bring her daughter to meetings?

    I suspect you feel that Hillary Clinton is better because of ideology. And, the same goes for Obama.

  • Renee

    I think hillary would be a better because she did not show up to meetings with an infant in her arm. The only question you addressed to me. Have you ever had kids? Yes I heard her say He support her in the past. But her records show other wise. He has a career and I doubt he is thinking about quiting his career to be at home full time. I never said anything was wrong with her have five kids I never even said anything was wrong with the pregnant teen. I understand people make mistakes. I just dont think she will be able to show attention towards her medical ill child and be a successful VP. I get help from my family with my kids but there are somethings that I have to be present for.

  • Flap

    The questions were asked in # 9 above. I repeat:

    Isn’t your family helping you since you are a full time student and working? Or are you doing it all?

    And, you sort of answered it.

    You won’t get your chance this time around with Hillary. Obama did not even consider her for the Vice Presidency. So, she is out of it.

    But, with Sarah Palin you do not think she can be a good vice President because of inattentiveness? Now isn’t that a bit presumptive of you?

    Maybe she will be a better mother than you? Or can do a better job – at both family and work?

    Would you rather have Joe Biden who cheated and plagiarized law school papers and Presidential candidate speeches?

    Flaps last blog post..As 9/11 Approaches American Al Qaeda’s Adam Gadahn Death Rumors Continue

  • Renee

    I think I answered as clear as I possible can answer in number 12. Yes my family do help me but there are somethings that I have to do myself as a parent. It is just like a person with nothing better to do then personal attack people on a blog. I go to all my kids meetings I am always in my kids face, I dispcline when need, doctor visits and everything else. So do not insult me as a parent just because you can relate to my views. This lady got five kids and her oldest is 19 years old and youngest 4 months. If in 19 years she have not learn to balance family and job by now she is never going to get it. Yes I think she will not be a good vice president because of inattentiveness. When make decision on laws, other things that may affect our and kids future you have to be PRESENT. I never said she was a horrible parent, but consider her son medical illness she will not be able to do the job because she a concerned mother. I would not feel right asking her to take country over family. Plagiarizism is tricky, because you accidently plagiarize a paper without knowing it. If you forget to include a reference it is consider plagiarizism. If you paraphase and forget to include the name of the person that came up with the idea it is consider to be plagiarizism. A few papers I wrote in school were plagiarize accidently, because I forget to include all references. So before I can buy into the whole “he plagiarize law school papers” I have to see the paper and see the extend of the plagiarism

  • Renee

    Well once again her past work experience have not show her balancing family life and work successfully. She have been doing it for 19 years still taking her kids into the office. By the way I am not running for the VP spot nor do I ever want to run for VP, Sarah Palin is. But to answer your question I am balancing work, school and family very well.

  • Renee

    Well I not trying to take on the world or career that is time consuming while I have a young child that need my attention. Parenting is about sacrifice, sometime you have to sacrifice ambitious goals that can draw you away from your child in his or her time of need. But I will research Joe Biden and plagiarizism

  • Renee

    Look here Flap you can argue the point until you are blue in the face. Ask yourself do the job you consist of you making decison for over 1 billion people in one of the most powerful country in the world. I am pretty should the answer is no, nobody care when she was making decision an state with about population 10,000. She could parade her kids proudly through the office when she is making decision of a state that I am not in. But she is about to take on an office with bigger responsibilities scream baby and kids running and playing at meeting with congress or leader of other countries is not a good look. She did not show professionalizm by bring her kids and nursing in meeting with other officials in Alaska.

  • Renee

    I am more concerned about her inattentiveness. But you wanted to take about the woman having her children in the office. I do not think anyone would think it is wise to bring a child to a classified meeting.

    My mind is made up and I am not voting for McClain and Palin

  • Bert

    What is all this hypocrisy?? So Todd was one of the few who had been caught while he had been drinking? Ted Kennedy drove drunk, ended up in the water, killed a girl and walked away a free man. Continued serving in the Senate up to this day. O, wait …, he is a Kennedy, just like the other one he was under the influence banging into things with his Mustang…, Patrick ! He is still serving to!! But let’s not talk about these in our left-wing media, and swipe those shameful and damaging incidents under the rug! t,People, those who are without flaws … let them “cast the first stones” !

  • Renee

    I am not a left wing nothing. By the way the article talks about humanizing family not all the other stuff u are saying. Stick to the issue!

  • alicia richards

    Flap: This is a news flash for you. Sarah Palin also used drugs, or cannibis in high school. As a matter of fact, Sarah Palin also had an abortion just before she ran for Ms. Alaska.

  • alicia richards

    Flap: Another news flash for you. Sarah Palin quest is to separate Alaska from the rest of the United States. Exactly what does this say about her (Sarah Palin) love for anyone not living in Alaska. Exactly what does this say about Sarah Palin love for American and the people supporting her? Flap, Sarah Palin only cares about herself, she don’t even care about her own children muchless You.

  • Renee

    The tax payers, John McCain has public financing for his campaign. You know when you do your taxes they asked do you want to contribute a dollar to presidental campaigning. Here is you taxes dollars at work.

  • Flap

    No Renee,

    The public financing of the McCain-Palin campaign are voluntary contributions made by taxpayers and the Republican National Committee picks up some of the travel costs – those are private contributions.

  • Renee

    Yes Flap,

    McCain-Palin has public financing if you ever filled out a Form 1040 there is a question below your personal information that ask check here You or spouse if you want to contribute $3 to Presidental Election Campaign. Sure McCain-Palin may have some private voluntary contribution but they get most of their money from people that check the box to have $3 of their money to go towards Presidental Election Campaign fund. Flaps I subject you take a look at your 1040 form the next time you pay taxes.

  • Flap

    Yes Renee I have seen the check box many times and undrestand about public financing. If you note the date of this post, September 1, 2008 it is before John McCain or Sarah Palin were nominated.

    Campaign expenses prior to that time were expended by either the McCain campaign or the Republican National Committee which accept private contributions.

  • Renee


    Let me ask you a quick question. If every year we pay income tax and every year the same question about contributing $3 dollars to Presidental Election is on there and you have people contributing to that fund every year. But we only have an election for a president every four years. What do you think they do with the money? Do you think they give it back to the taxpayers? Or save it all until there is another presidential election? Well the answer is save until there is an election and give to the candidates that decide to take public financing like McCain-Palin did. Then start the contribution all over again after the election over to collect money for the presidential election.