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Iraq War Watch:America More of a Threat to World Peace than Iran or North Korea – The UN-Correction

Wizbang: What Murtha Really Said

Previously we noted a controversial speech by Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) at a town hall meeting in Miami, FL, June 24, 2006. Elizabeth Baier, the reporter on the story, was forced by her editors at the Sun-Sentinel to do a hatchet job (or it was done for her) on the story in the face of an organized effort led by well funded liberal groups like Media Matters and Think Progress, and Murtha’s office that he was misquoted.

Wizbang has the video here.

The Transcript is as follows:

Just think what that does to us internationally.

On the debate on the floor of the House, and I was leading the debate on the floor, and this one fella says, “You talk about terrorism.” He says, “Ask Spain.”

Well you ask Spain. Fifty six percent of the people in Spain think it’s more dangerous, the United States is more dangerous in Iraq than Iran is.

Everyone of our allies think that the United States being in Iraq is more dangerous to world stability and world peace, every one of our allies; Great Britain, every single country… They think its more, uh, we’re more dangerous to world peace than North Korea or Iran.

That says something.

Notice how there was NO mention of the Pew Research Report.

I defy you to watch the whole video and come to the conclusion that Murtha doesn’t agree with world opinion. In fact in his closing he states that he’s counting on it to push his pullout scenario.

The revised story at the Sun-Sentinel is an amalgamation of the original report and the Murtha press release, in short a disaster.

Perhaps they would like to give it one more shot, and just report what Murtha said…

Update: Will the Sun-Sentinel revise their story yet again? And a better question is why did they do a hatchet job on the original story, introducing information directly from Murtha and his supporters into the coverage, with no sourcing? They hung their own reporter out to dry. At this point the story is less about the content of Murtha’s remarks than the campaign by David Brock’s, Soros-funded Media Matters, and others to change the reporting of the story without providing all the facts.

And now Jack Murtha’s GOP opponent has picked up on the story.

Diana Irey for Congress: Just What DID Jack Murtha Say About The U.S. Posing a Greater Danger to World Peace Than Iran or North Korea?

Washington County Commissioner and Pennsylvania 12th district Republican Congressional nominee Diana Irey – responding to Jack Murtha’s lame defense of comments he made in Florida on June 24 – today released the following statement:

“Is Jack Murtha now channeling Marty McFly, the hero of ‘Back to the Future?’ Is he now traveling in a souped-up DeLorean, popping forward in time? Or is he, rather, channeling George Orwell, dropping negative information down some sort of ‘memory hole’ to which he and only he has magical and mysterious access?

There appears to be a concerted, orchestrated effort to twist the facts on Congressman Murtha’s statements, retractions,newspaper corrections and/or omissions.

Isn’t it time for Jack to hold a news conference and address this issue directly?

Congressman, what did you say and when did you say it?


Iraq War Watch:America More of a Threat to World Peace than Iran or North Korea – The Correction

Iraq War Watch: America More of a Threat to World Peace than Iran or North Korea

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  • chancuff

    Looking at the large number of blog posts I’ve placed throughout the blogsphere in the last 2 weeks, I’m sure I’m not alone in thinking they look like spam.

    My apologies to all.

    Some interesting things happened Yesterday. I received an email response from Bill Pasco(e) of Diana Irey’s campaign regarding a letter I wrote Ms Irey.

    In responding Mr. Pascoe’s email, I found it useful to CC that response to him to Elizabeth Baier and her editor Ms. Rosenhause (Managing Editor Sun-Sentinel).

    The topic of those emails was “Rovian Architecture Unplugged”. If you are interested to learn more, feel free to write them.

    Make “Rovian Architechure Unplugged” your subject heading so they know what your inquiry is about.

    Their email addresses:

    Bill Pascoe phone: (724) 258-2300

    Elizabeth Baier

    Sharon Rosenhause

    Cliff Hancuff
    The World of Journalism Is Flat, Too

  • chancuff

    Appearently Mr. Bill Pascoe puts more faith in continuing his slander strategy than makes sense.

    Despite an email warning I alluded to in my previous post to write him and Sharon Rosenhause at the Sun-Sentinel about their “Rovian Architecture” mischief, Mr. Pascoe still found sense in posting this at Ms. Irey’s site.

    “Is Murtha channeling Marty McFly? Congressman’s June 27 press release magically includes information from … June 28?”

    In my email to Mr. Pasco yesterday, he attempted to float this clever headline to me in an email. I responded with this:

    If you really want to follow this “rapid crash journalism” course of action of yours, let me assist you in doing so properly. This is John Murtha’s original press release issued by Cindy Abram on June 27th.

    You can understand why Cindy Abram updated Mr. Murtha’s press release from the 27th now, I presume. After all, most would conclude that the Sun-Sentinel, who created this mess to start with, was in a better position to fix what Elizabeth Baier broke than

    For the sake of clarity in an already confusing sequence of events, inquiries to Mr. Pascoe should include the Subject Line: Mr. Bill

    Bill Pascoe
    phone: (724) 258-2300

    Cliff Hancuff
    The World of Journalism Is Flat, Too