Dentistry,  Socialized Dentistry

Free Market Dentistry in Europe

What a shocker?

British dentistry where the free market is constrained by the National Health Service is also the most expensive.

The United Kingdom should transition away from their government sponsored program (NHS) to a wholly private one while providing for the indigent, poor and infirm via government supported vouchers.

Flap wonders if some government official will suggest the government pay for airplane tickets for Brits to head over to Poland?


  • Babsy

    You wrote: “Flap wonders if some government official will suggest the government pay for airplane tickets for Brits to head over to Poland?”


    Glorious Socialism shall save us all, Komrade!!

    Komrade Babsy

  • Flap


    The UK government is already paying to import Polish dentists into England to compete with their own dentists because they work cheaper within the confines of the NHS.

    NHS = National Health Socialism.