Barack Obama,  Iran,  John McCain

Barack Obama – Dangerously Unprepared to Be President

New John McCain Ad: Tiny

Team McCain attacks Barack Obama on foreign policy and most notably on calling Iran a “TINY” threat. McCain has slammed Obama previously on Obama’s remarks.

“Before I begin my prepared remarks, I want to respond briefly to a comment Senator Obama made yesterday about the threat posed to the United States by the Government of Iran. Senator Obama claimed that the threat Iran poses to our security is “tiny” compared to the threat once posed by the former Soviet Union. Obviously, Iran isn’t a superpower and doesn’t possess the military power the Soviet Union had. But that does not mean that the threat posed by Iran is insignificant. On the contrary, right now Iran provides some of the deadliest explosive devices used in Iraq to kill our soldiers. They are the chief sponsor of Shia extremists in Iraq, and terrorist organizations in the Middle East. And their President, who has called Israel a “stinking corpse,” has repeatedly made clear his government’s commitment to Israel’s destruction. Most worrying, Iran is intent on acquiring nuclear weapons. The biggest national security challenge the United States currently faces is keeping nuclear material out of the hands of terrorists. Should Iran acquire nuclear weapons, that danger would become very dire, indeed. They might not be a superpower, but the threat the Government of Iran poses is anything but “tiny.”

Now, Jake Tapper over at ABC News says Team McCain is being dishonest and the ad is unfair. But, here is the You Tube video of what Obama actually said and let the reader be the judge.

The ad is accurate in the context of what Obama said.

The script of “TINY:”

ANNCR: Iran. Radical Islamic government. Known sponsors of terrorism.

Developing nuclear capabilities to “generate power” but threatening to eliminate Israel.

Obama says Iran is a “tiny” country, “doesn’t pose a serious threat”.

Terrorism, destroying Israel, those aren’t “serious threats”?

Obama — dangerously unprepared to be president.

JOHN MCCAIN: I’m John McCain and I approved this message.

Note the new McCain theme: “dangerously unprepared to be President”

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  • Babsy

    Barack Milhouse Osama Obama is the shallowest of the shallow and woefully unprepared to be President. But as long as the evil, oil-grabbing Bush is gone the lefties really don’t care what happens, so short sighted are they. Having said that, they really do care for others. Just ask one!!!

  • Babsy

    The ad is in perfect context in a world where the chickens are coming home… roost! None of this is going to happen anyway as Bush will shortly declare himself King George the First and remain in office so that he may perpetuate tax cuts for the rich.

  • sassinfras

    keeping on beating the drums for war without any SOLID evendence. wasn’t it the USA which ILLEGALLY invaded iraq in the name of freedom. freedom, a gift from the USA ,shotgun style. is it the same freedom which the USA sponsered in chile in the 1970’s under pinochet, or nigaragua in the 1980’s in which ten of thousands were murdered and real democracy with it. what about venezuela today which has a democracy but the USA wants to destroy. it is the american style of freedom which has destroyed iraq and the USA reputation with it. i can not see many lining up for this freedom after seeing what happened in iraq ,and the theft of their natural resorces. or is is the freedom practiced everyday in middle east countries which are friendly to the USA jordan,saudi arabia and egypt. the freedom america brings to the world is the opposite of freedom it has at home.
    when the USA illegally invades and occupies a country and the locals resist this occupation they are branded a terrorist ,but to others they are freedomfighters. freedom has become a misunderstood word just like terrorist. the USA brands anyone who resists ‘freedom american style’ a terrorist. terrorist, terrorist, terrorist.just like the israelis who see the palestinians as terrorist when a arab blows himself up killing scores of innocent people and vice versa when israel drops a one ton bomb in gaza civillian neighbourhood killing scores of innocent people. the real terrorist are the people who want to change the world in the name of ‘freedom’.the real terrorist are the ones who want to bomb iran. the real terrorist are the one who say negotiating without preconditions is wrong.and the real terrorist are the ones who sees americas foreign policies as fair.

  • sassinfras

    hey babsey
    if going around and bombing the world into submission while raping the resorces is winning your right. but doing it in the name of freedom well thats another matter. and my side isn’t anyones . [i use to love the USA but i’m distressed at what it is becoming].the US has not won, the war on terror is unwinnable. what the USA did in iraq has created many more terrorist who are hell bent on killing americans in america.some will eventually suceed, and the USA will end up a police state with no freedom at all [the patriotic act is the first step in that direction] .the war on terror can not be won using the military ,only by reversing americas foriegn policies have you any chance [stop letting israel direct your middle east policies].
    and one more thing -there are no winners in war, just alot of dead people.
    tell me why is al qaeda stronger now than before 9/11.the best thing to ever happen to al qaeda is the iraqi war. osama bin laden couldn’t have picked a better recruiting sergent than g.w. bush. bin laden must be truly laughing because iraq has made him a hero in the arab world.
    and if the US starts another war in iran it will surely go broke. it was al queda strategy to cause so many wars it would bankrupt the USA[just like it helped bankrupt the USSR in afghanistan]. look at the price of oil now and then double it .the wests economy would be in meltdown if oil reach $250 a barrel.then al qaeda will claim victory. so keep on beating those drums of war and see what happens.

  • Babsy


    You have no idea of what you speak, but keep posting as the adults in the room can see you for what you really are.

  • sassinfras

    badsey, you are a true conservative.
    you say your won the iraqi war. but why are US servicemen still dieing. obviously no one told the insurgents.and it is election time.
    so go to church and speak in tongues. and god bless israel ,whoops i mean USA.

  • sassinfras

    why is obama dangerously unprepared for president. after 9/11 the USA declares war on terror and sends a small force to overthrow the taliban in afghanistan. then the USA frabricate false evidence to attack iraq with WMD fiasco. these were experienced leaders of the USA which did all this and cost the lives of thousands of civillian. and now iraq experiences terror when before there was no terror, and the taliban is still there as strong as ever.the only USA leader to question this was obama and you guys have the nerve to say all this rubbish and at the same time trying to make a case to bomb iran with no solid evidence.UNBELIVABLE.

  • Flap

    Sassinfras, you need to read some history. The Taliban were routed and pushed out of Afghanistan into Pakistan and its northern lawless territories soon after 9/11. The Taliban continues a guerilla type war with excursions into Afghanistan and then they run and hide in Pakistan.

    Iraq’s terror was Saddam Hussein, no?

  • sassinfras

    , the taliban operate in the boarder regions of pakistan and afghanistan and they have alot of local support from the ‘affridi’ people. the ‘affridi’ are the boarder people who see themselves as neither pakinstani or afghani. alot of this support for the taliban happens after the US bombs innocent people. it is shocking the amount of civillian deaths happening in this region, usually caused by unmanned aircraft. when a NATO soldier sees a beard and robe they naturally assume ‘osbma bin laden ‘ and kill everything. whats the latest ‘colatoral damage’ , 90 afghans civillians killed at a memorial for some tribal leader, which was denied at first by the US military, but only came to light because the UN had video proof of the slaughter.there are so many examples of ‘colateral damage’ and wiping out the civillian locals i could write a book.
    saddam hussien was a first grade terrorist who terrorised his people. but what angers me he was a USA alley for years and the USA didn’t give a dam about his human right abuse and even helped him. saddam hussien was a buffer against the mad mullas of iran and as long as he was USA bad guy he was supported. but when he invaded kuwait the USA finally had enough.its like the shah of iran .that brutal dictator US imposed on the iranians which killed thousands. the USA supported the shah until the iranian kicked him out .so as long as you support US commercial intersts your tolerated no matter how you terrorise the civillians.this has been prove time and time again esp in south america with pinochet of chili and samaza of nicaragua .

  • Flap

    Again, you write wild accusations that have no basis in fact.

    Have any links or evidence for your opinions? Or is it always blame America?

  • Babsy

    He can’t spell for squat. My guess is he ain’t very good at reading comprehension, either. Typical lefty product of gubbmint edukayshun, i.e., a Master of Victimhood.

  • sassinfras

    my spelling isn’t the best but at least i’m not deluding myself about my country. badsey is was we call a septic yank here in australia . instead of attacking me you should be attacking what i’m saying. but really the truth does hurt .you guys live on a ice burge and only see the tip.why is the USA one of the most unpopular countries in the world. the world thinks your leaders are nuts. can’t wait to hear this one. maybe you should move to your capital, tel aviv , and live there.

  • Flap


    You live in Chatswood, NSW, Australia no?

    Is English not your native language?

    By the way, Babsy is a Christian and not a Jew.