Barack Obama,  John McCain,  Sarah Palin

Barack Obama Watch: The “Isotoner” Campaign

Barack Obama’s latest ATTACK television ad: “Still”

Jake Tapper ridicules the Barack Obama campaign for “taking off the goves” to attack and fight back against McCain-Palin.

Like any number of Democratic candidates before him — Mike Dukakis, Al Gore, John Kerry — Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, is once again declaring that he is going to take off the gloves and fight back against attacks from the Republican party.

ut just so you know — this is by my count the 4th time Obama’s campaign has officially or unofficially made such a declaration that Obama will “take off the gloves” and fight back.

That’s a lot of pairs of gloves.

The Isotoner campaign, one might say.

Barack Obama has been sinking in the polls and is becoming desperate. The pressure from the LEFT is pushing his campaign to produce stupid and personally offensive television ads like the one above. Painting John McCain as an old fuddy duddy in a contemptible way will not win you many friends with American voters.

The LEFT is complicit in this new Obama/Democrat line of attack. Look at this piece that ridicules women who attended a McCain-Palin rally. The condescending tone of the writer towards women who like Sarah Palin is especially noteworthy.

So, Flap says don’t stop, Barry. The radical LEFT has the solution for your faltering campaign – OFFEND MORE VOTERS.

Good job!


Even some on the LEFT are shaking their heads at Obama’s approach.

“Still” is really really weird. I just
don’t get the thinking behind it at all. Don’t they realize that there
are 83 million Americans in the non-line community?…/us.htm And most of those are probably in downscale households they NEED to turn out?

They’re insulting these people! Gratuitously!

(Unless, of course, it’s intended for online distribution only, in
which case it makes a certain amount of sense, but in that case, why
the Stand By Your Ad bit at the end?)

And, Ace of Spades agrees with Flap that this could be construed as an attack on seniors.

Isn’t that AGEISM from the elite snob Obama?

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