• Barack Obama,  Democrats,  Mitch McConnell

    No GOP Roll Over Beethoven for Democrat/Obama Economic Stimulus Package

    Mitch McConnell November 2008

    Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell speaks during a press conference on Capitol Hill in November 2008 in Washington, DC.

    Looks like “The Idiot of the Highest Order”, Senate GOP Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is finally growing a pair.

    Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) voiced skepticism today about the emerging economic stimulus plan, applying a brake to Democratic plans to quickly pass up to $850 billion in spending and tax cuts soon after President-elect Barack Obama’s Jan. 20 inauguration.

    “As of right now, Americans are left with more questions than answers about this unprecedented government spending, and I believe the taxpayers deserve to know a lot more about where it will be spent before we consider passing it,” McConnell said in a statement, which will be publicly issued later today.

    No more bailouts until there is a clear outline as to the Obama economic plan and the Congress decides what the hell it is doing besides throwing cheap money at a perceived problem.

    41 votes go a long way, now don’t they?

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  • Igor Panarin,  United States

    The United States to Disintegrate in 2010?

    Split USA

    Political graphic from the Wall Street Journal

    A Russian Preforessor, Igor Panarin, has predicted the demise of the United States as we now know it.

    For a decade, Russian academic Igor Panarin has been predicting the U.S. will fall apart in 2010. For most of that time, he admits, few took his argument — that an economic and moral collapse will trigger a civil war and the eventual breakup of the U.S. — very seriously. Now he’s found an eager audience: Russian state media.

    “There’s a 55-45% chance right now that disintegration will occur,” he says. “One could rejoice in that process,” he adds, poker-faced. “But if we’re talking reasonably, it’s not the best scenario — for Russia.” Though Russia would become more powerful on the global stage, he says, its economy would suffer because it currently depends heavily on the dollar and on trade with the U.S.

    Mr. Panarin posits, in brief, that mass immigration, economic decline, and moral degradation will trigger a civil war next fall and the collapse of the dollar. Around the end of June 2010, or early July, he says, the U.S. will break into six pieces — with Alaska reverting to Russian control.

    How do you spell Soviet-style disinformation campaign? Please.

    Americans have their disagreements and batter each other in free elections but always resolve their differences for the betterment of the country. The balance of power in government created by the country’s founders assures united government.

    The United States has already weathered a disastrous Civil War because of slavery. Abraham Lincoln’s words at the time ring true today: “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”

    The United States is going nowhere.

    And, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin will continue to see Russia across the sea from her house.

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  • Caroline Kennedy,  Day By Day

    Day By Day by Chris Muir December 29, 2008 – Words Matter!

    Day By Day 122908

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Caroline Kennedy is an “empty suit” but is she significantly different than many Democrat Senators?

    Not really.

    Flap looks forward to her financial disclosure forms and revelation as to how much of her family fortune came from her grandfather Joseph’s trade in bootlegging, arms smuggling and illegal trade with the Nazis.

    Let’s have some airing of the Kennedy laundry?

    Or is it all water under the bridge?


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    links for 2008-12-29

    • McCarthy added that it’s also time “for President-elect Obama to start acting on the promises he made to the LGBT community during his campaign so that he doesn’t go down in history as another Bill Clinton, a sweet-talking swindler who would throw us under the bus for the sake of political expediency.” And “for LGBT folks to choose their battles wisely, to judge Obama on the content of his policy-making, not on the character of his ministers.”
      Not going to happen. Obama, The One is against Gay Marriage – end of story
    • But some of Saltsman's rivals responded more mildly. Former Maryland lieutenant governor Michael S. Steele, one of two black candidates for the job, said Saltsman's "attempt at humor was clearly misplaced," adding that the leadership of the party needs to "be a lot smarter about such things and more appreciative that our actions always speak louder than our words."

      "Our actions and our words are oftentimes used to define who we are as Republicans," Steele said in a statement.

    • After weeks of criticism that she had not opened up to the public or the press, Ms. Kennedy has embarked on a series of interviews. But in an extensive sit-down discussion Saturday morning with The New York Times, she still seemed less like a candidate than an idea of one: forceful but vague, largely undefined and seemingly determined to remain that way.
      Please please appoint this empty shallow person to the US Senate.
    • While all around him prospective candidates for governor are pulling out checkbooks and fattening up campaign war chests, lame-duck Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger gives mixed messages about what he might do next.

      Whatever he does, he says he won't be doing any more acting and he will be pushing environmental causes and clean energy.

      So it's a bit ironic that he has not totally ruled out running for the U.S. Senate seat now held by three-term Democrat Barbara Boxer, the Senate's leading advocate of those very causes
      Arnold would have to run as an independent because he will not win a GOP primary election. In any case, a three way race for Boxer spells trouble.

  • Barack Obama,  Chip Saltsman

    Chip Saltsman Commits a BONER with Barack The Magic Negro

    Barack the Magic Negro, a 2007 parody song aired by conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh

    Does the Republican National Committee Chairmanship race bring out the worst in the GOP?

    Chip Saltsman, a candidate for chairman of the Republican National Committee, sent committee members this month a holiday music CD that included “Barack the Magic Negro,” a parody song first aired in 2007 by talk show host Rush Limbaugh.

    Created by conservative satirist Paul Shanklin, the song puts new lyrics to the tune of “Puff the Magic Dragon,” and it is performed as if black activist Al Sharpton were singing it. Limbaugh played it after the Los Angeles Times ran an opinion piece with the same title.

    “A guy from the LA paper said it made guilty whites feel good, they’ll vote for him and not for me cuz he’s not from the hood,” the song goes. “Oh, Barack the magic negro lives in DC, the LA Times they called him that because he’s black but not authentically.”

    The CD accompanied holiday greetings from Saltsman, a Tennessee resident who managed former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee’s campaign for president. Saltsman announced his bid to lead the Republican Party this month.

    Saltsman should be embarassed and quit the race. Chip is NOT Rush Limbaugh.

    Now, the parody is just tired, trite and mean-spirited.

    Bye, Bye Chip.

  • Barack Obama,  Day By Day

    Day By Day by Chris Muir December 28, 2008 – Echo Chamber

    Day By Day 122808

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Chris, Obama will simply “DITCH” the press. “The One” does NOT have to abide by archaic protocols such as a FREE PRESS.


    Because the MSM let him get away with it before the election and Obama is the press-annointed Messiah to lead America out of the darkness of the Bush years.

    The Echo Chamber is just starting. Now, how long before the “HONEYMOON” ends?

    It won’t be pretty.


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  • Barack Obama,  Day By Day

    Day By Day by Chris Muir December 27, 2008 – Talk is Cheap

    Day By Day 122708

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Chris, “Talk is indeed Cheap” and Barack Obama is going to have to deliver MORE than Clinton Administration retread appointments and showing off his chest in Hawaii while on vacation.

    Note his Republican appointments to his cabinet once hailed as a giant leap of bipartisanship and a stroke of genius amount to a retiring moderate Republican heading up the Department of Transportation and a Secretary of Defense (registered independent voter) who is waging two wars.

    Obama is on a honeymoon with public opinion but Flap has seen little since the November election that is reassuring. It is doubtful that Obama will be quite the President as Bill Clinton was. But, then again, Obama perhaps won’t be impeached either.

    And, Oprah?

    Please…..(Flap sees Tom Cruise jumping on her couch)…..


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  • Day By Day

    Day By Day by Chris Muir December 26, 2008 – The Song Remains the Same

    Day By Day 122608

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    The “Fix” has been in for Caroline Kennedy to replace Hillary Clinton in the United States Senate since the start. But, now there are increasing questions as to whether Caroline is qualified or up to the task.

    Remember how the LEFT attacked and ridiculed Sarah Palin who is the sitting elected Governor of Alaska as being out of her league?

    Flap doubts an appointment of Kennedy will do anything for Democrat retention of the seat in two years when a special election will be held – especially against a candidate like Peter King or Rudy Giuliani.


    In blogging matters, Flap was supposed to have surgery on Monday of this week but instead contracted a virulent strain of influenza A and has been in the hospital since Tuesday evening. Still had a Turkey Christmas dinner but Christmas in a hospital isolation ward is no fun.

    Glad to be back home and at the keyboard.


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    links for 2008-12-23

    • Barack Obama has said that when all is revealed, it will be clear that neither he nor his staff had any contacts with Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich that could be considered improper.

      The president-elect's office now says it will release on Tuesday the promised report giving a full accounting of those contacts, following additional work by U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, who has yet to indict the already-arrested Illinois governor. Obama aides say the official under the most scrutiny — Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel — will be exonerated after weeks of innuendo that they have long said was unfair.

      "We have a report," said Obama spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter. "It's been ready for release for a week. We've held off at the request of the U.S. Attorney's office and that continues to be the case, though we expect to be able to release the report shortly."
      In the meantime, Obama is in Hawaii showing off his pecs and getting a tan.

    • The sources add that the report will show Emanuel also had four phone calls with Blagojevich Chief of Staff John Harris. During those conversations, the Senate seat was discussed. The pros and cons of various candidates were reviewed, and the sources say that Emanuel repeatedly reminded Harris that Blagojevich should focus on the message the pick would send about the governor and his administration.

      Sources also confirm that Emanuel made the case for picking Obama confidante Valerie Jarrett during at least one of the conversations. In the course of that conversation, Harris asked if in return for picking Jarrett, "all we get is appreciation, right?" "Right," Emanuel responded.

    • The group representing the U.S. recording industry said Friday it had abandoned its policy of suing people for sharing songs protected by copyright.

      The Recording Industry Association of America said it instead would work with Internet service providers to cut abusers’ access if they ignored repeated warnings.

      The move ends a program that saw the association sue about 35,000 people since 2003 for swapping songs online. Because of high legal costs for defenders, virtually all of those hit with lawsuits settled, on average, for around $3,500. The association’s legal costs, in the meantime, exceeded the settlement money it brought in.

      The association said Friday it stopped sending out new lawsuits and warnings in August and then agreed with several leading U.S. Internet service providers, without naming which ones, to notify alleged illegal file-sharers and cut off service if they failed to stop.

      (tags: RIAA)