Barack Obama,  Day By Day

Day By Day by Chris Muir January 15, 2009 – Out In Left Field

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Day By Day by Chris Muir

Barack Obama when inaugurated next week will CHANGE his rhetoric from the campaign trail to the reality of governance. He is trying to emulate a Ronald Reagan vs. Jimmy Carter Iran hostage moment with his Executive Order regarding Guantanamo Bay.

But, the GITMO closer order falls way short since President Bush wanted to close the Cuban prison base but then there was the reality as to what to do with the terrorist prisoners. Obama has not solved this dilemma either. His Executive Order is the symbolism of the campaign. Obama must now evolve actual governing positons and be held accountable for more than his ever-changing rhetoric.

In another example of symbolism over substance revisionism , look at Obama’s position on capturing or killing Osama bin Laden. He is changing his goal from the campaign.

In both instances, Mr. Obama emphasizes bin Laden’s role as operational leader of a terrorist group, but in November he said capturing or killing OBL was “critical.” Today he said it would be his “preference” though cutting OBL off from communication with his operatives would meet his goal.

The “Change We Can Believe In” may fall way short of American’s expectation for the new President. Then, the honeymoon for “The One” will be over.


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