Ashley Judd,  Sarah Palin

SHAME ON YOU: Sarah Palin Strikes Back at Ashley Judd and the Defenders of Wildlife Campaign

From the Eye on Palin Web Site: Exposing Alaska Governor Sarah Palin’s anti-wolf and anti-wildlife agenda

Alaska Governor Sarah Palin responded today to Hollywood Celeb and PDS (Palin Derangement Syndrome) sufferer Ashley Judd’s video above. The video was sponsored by the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund.

Governor Sarah Palin released the following statement today in response to attacks by the Defenders of Wildlife:

“It is reprehensible and hypocritical that the Defenders of Wildlife would use Alaska and my administration as a fundraising tool to deceive Americans into parting with their hard-earned money.

“The ad campaign by this extreme fringe group, as Alaskans have witnessed over the last several years, distorts the facts about Alaska’s wildlife management programs. Alaskans depend on wildlife for food and cultural practices which can’t be sustained when predators are allowed to decimate moose and caribou populations. Our predator control programs are scientific and successful at protecting vulnerable wildlife. These audacious fundraising attempts misrepresent what goes on in Alaska, and I encourage people to learn the facts about Alaska’s positive record of managing wildlife for abundance.

“Shame on the Defenders of Wildlife for twisting the truth in an effort to raise funds from innocent and hard-pressed Americans struggling with these rough economic times.”

Flap is surprised “The ‘Cuda” didn’t invite Ashley up for a little demonstration of Alaska’s wildlife management program. But, Judd, wouldn’t go anyway because like many LEFT-WING Hollywood types she knows little or nothing about the subject.

Shame on Ashley Judd, indeed.

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  • Naomi McCreary

    Good for Ashley Judd!!..She (Sarah Palin) needs to be exposed for the barbaric and inhumane ways she slaughters these beautiful animals and even wolf pups in their dens (shot in the head) Defenders of Wildlife are not bilking innocents out of their hard earned money, they are trying to protect wildlife for future generations to enjoy and learn where they fit into an ecosystem where they have managed to live for generations. Leave it to the Sarah Palins and George Bushs we would have none left at all!! They cater to oil companies and big money..Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones Sarah Palin!!!!! WTG Ashley and I will continue to get the word out and sign petitions to get her stopped..maybe we should put a bounty on her legs as she does the wolves?

  • Naomi McCreary

    Ecological balance..yes..without airplanes..Nature has always managed to weed the strong from the weak without any help from mans interference.

  • Actongue

    Wow Palin is an idiot
    She claims scienc in killing of wolves but fails to think that man has any negative impact upon earth. Then again she follows her religion that believes the Earth is only 6000 years old.
    Wonder what caused the overpopulation to begin with? Maybe its the Tropy Hunting for big game animals?

    People who follow palin and blame the Media fail in understanding that Palin is her own worst nightmare.
    “The President of France” interview should have proved it once and for all………….If after that interview you still think she has what it takes you need to see a doctor for delusional thinking.

  • Flap


    Name calling and ridicule for religious beliefs that she may or may not have.

    Typical PDS sufferer from the left.

    And, I suppose being “punked” makes anyone a complete idiot, right?


  • Delmar

    Have you ever witnessed a wolf kill? Nature is vicious. Please go into the country side and really view nature!

    Limiting the wolf population (and many other species) prevents wolf pups from starving to death in their dens, improves herbivore survival rates, and ellimnates many other environmental problems.

    Please reference what foxes have done to many bird species. Unfortunately many of the birds are extinct.

  • Actongue

    The difference between being Punked and being unworthy of a position as Sarah seeks is that she is mentally incapable of thinking on her feet(Common Sense). If she could have come to the conclusion that she was being pranked it would be one thing. They had to tell her 6 minutes into the Interview it was a prank Call.

    Sarah Brings on the Ridicule herself, but like many there are some that want to cover her in Magic Glitter and will sprinkle it back on when the Big Bad Media winds blow it off.

  • Actongue

    One of the most awe-inspiring sights I have ever seen was when I was in the Arctic and watched a Polar Bear waiting at a Seal hole. The Seal pops it head up and the polar bear Swats it about 20 yards and goes over and munches away on the Seal. Nature is Vicious but that does not mean that we have to be the Same.

    The pups can not survive on their own because they have not yet learned to from their wolven parents.

  • Actongue

    Some other intersting information to be found from wikipedia on Defenders of Wildlife

    Defenders was named America’s Best Wildlife Charity in 2005 by the Reader’s Digest.

    I do not think that the Reader’s digest is in the habit of supporinting extreme fringe groups but maybe they (Defenders of Wildlife) have changed alot in 3ish years

  • Actongue

    I am quoting a gentleman/lady from Alaska that posted this on ADN anchorage daily news..


    wrote on 02/04/2009 00:52:51 AM:
    Defenders of Wildlife is spot on. There are no inaccuracies in the Ashley Judd video. The Alaska Board of Game predator program’s goal is to turn Alaska into a wild game farm for the Alaska Outdoor Council. They have violated their own laws by killing denning wolf pups. They have unethically and potentially illegally influenced ballot propositions with state funded propaganda. WHY? Because they know if they told the truth, Alaskans would not stand for this brutal and inhumane program. The Board of Game lost every ballot initiative prior to last August-the one they ignored science and blew $400,000 of state funds on a shameful propaganda campaign. I love hunting, I just like a fair chase.

    end quote

  • DEO

    SINCE WHEN is DEFENDERS OF WILDLIFE a FRINGE organization???????????????????????????????????????”
    Palin is the lunatic fringe.
    Well done, Ms. Judd. As always you are correct, THE WAY in which the wolves are ¨hunted¨is ball less.

    Sarah Palin-Tonya Harding 2012!

  • DEO

    Palin already invited ¨sarkozy¨, the stupid MOOK…perhaps she should invite Dick Cheney for a little CANNED wolf slaughter…Christians!!!!!

  • DEO

    Just to toss in a fact…the people of ALASKA have voted TWICE to outlaw the practice of aerial predator kills, they remain unheard.
    THEY site it is counter productive.
    They are ready to throw Palin´s bony ass out on a rail. There is no way she would even get elcted as Governor again, they have found out far too much.
    ok, back to work….

    I DO love Ashley Judd.

  • Yip Morgan

    Ashley Judd is a frikin’ idiot who has no knowledge of why they’re killing the wolves. She should keep her big fucking Hollywood liberal mouth shut until she learns about the subject.

  • Dennis Watts

    Alaska/Palin’s program of killing wolves and to some extent polar bears has two obvious consequences. 1/Alaska get $ from people who are not real hunters, these are wanna be’s, who get in their Jag and drive to their safe home, and lay their new rug on their hardwood floor. 2/Alaska get $ from hunters who want to bring home a caribou/moose trophy. The more caribou/moose, the more $. You see how this is Palin’s idea of nature controlling itself. As far as being an expert in any of these areas, I admit I’m not. Although I read quite abit, and try and stay informed. It’s interesting that all the Palin-positive postings that rant about the other side’s lack of knowledge; offer no proof of their supposed loftiness on these subjects. IT’S ALL ABOUT $. Don’t have to be a Nobel prize winner, just look at the facts.

  • nokillerzpls

    Actongue! What a great thought! “Palin is her own worst nightmare.” I think she is the “worst nightmare” for the majority of educated, sensible and honest people.

  • Actongue

    It aoppears you are the one with Palin disorder Systems Flap not those that see thru her. Nothin I have stated previously is is an Opinion, everything is Fact. The real question is why would someonewant to support a person like Palin whoi has proved she is mentally and intellectually unfit.

    You are suffering also from the Palin Glitter Factor.

    Palin is no more then a fairytale for those that soo want to desperetaly believe in her.
    She goes around saying the most ludicrous things that most likely would have had a male VP nomination taken off of the Ticket.

    Palin cries out The Media is picking on me Fans” Then her fans go oh that is ok Sarah. We will sprinkle more magic glitter on you and will call the Mass Media Evil. There there Sarah, we have sprinkled Magic Glitter on you, and will do so once again if the Big Bad Media wind blows it off you.

    The problem lies in the fact that There is no substance to what she says and it is all Glitter Coated. Maybe the Media is Biased in the Fact that they did not want someone who lacks common sense and good judgment to be VP or President.

    Consider her interview with Katie Couric, if that would have been a job interview the person would have been shown the door within minutes.

  • Flap

    @29 Everything you have stated is Hot Air and the rants of somebody who is infected with PDS.

    Why do you care anyway?

    Didn’t she lose the election?

  • Actongue

    Hot air? how can Facts be Hoit air?

    She is the one that had the interview with the President of France.

    If a person rambles on like she does in an Intervie, the interviewer would call the Interview short and not hire the person.

    Her energy Policy and Special needs Speeches where a Joke and any parent with Special needs should realize that Palin, even though having a special needs child has not done any research on what is being done to find cures.

  • christy

    you libs are pathetic

    As a life long Democrat, I voted for her as did all of my democrat family and friends. We all will vote for her again if she were to run.I am not so pissed off at Bush that I will cut off my nose to spite my face and vote for Pres. Fraud we now have. Like many Dems you don’t hear about, we do have common sense and will not have blind loyalty to the party. It isn’t just “Dems for McCain/Palin” either.

    Smart, honest, no bullshit, ethical, fiscally responsible and putting the people’s interest first, not her own. All qualities that inspire fear in Democrats in washignton. A true threat to their corrupt way of life. She is also willing to go after the same corrupt people in her own party. The only person in washington that are not afraid of her are those that are doing nothing wrong and doing the job we elected them to do

  • Actongue


    You are not wanting to see her for what she is. She first of all does not put all Alaskans first.
    I am sure the Native and those living in the bush in Alaska would love to fill you in on the facts you do not know.

    The wolf killing is lil more then increasing the poulation of the non predator Big Game Animals for Big Game hunting since it is big business in Alaska. That is why she wanted to give hunters 150 dollars for each foreleg of the Wolves they kill so they can

    But the strict rules on fishing and hunting for those living a subsistence lifestyle make it virtually impossible to live according the “old ways”.
    By the time that the fishing season officially opened for Emmonak the fish were all but gone, having been “fished out” by commercial fishing boats with huge nets and crews made up almost exclusively of caucasian out of state fishermen.

  • Flap


    If you post more than two links, your post goes to moderation.

    Links to left-wing Alaska blogs.

    Certainly good authority there.


  • V

    What really gets me about this whole slinging of words at each other is the fact that most Americans will fall for it. Rather than not listen to either one. Let both of them debate and show evidence supporting their claims. Let the population decide for themselves what is true and false. They can then vote to have the wolf killing continue or support the side that chooses not to let it continue.

    It is laughable that grown ups would rather bash each other in the public eye so easily then have a real meeting within a public forum (town hall meeting) showing the problems, the causes, and then the solutions. Both showing evidence to back up their claims so that the people can decide for themselves through voting which is the best course of action. Isn’t that what they call democracy? Oh I forgot we don’t have an America anymore. We simply condemn each other without a real method of solution. We see who can smear who better and to propagandize it so that whoever does the better job wins over the people by to the point No bashing each other in the media like children on a playground is so much more interesting and adult like way of dealing with our problems.

  • DHM

    Ashley Judd = just another Hollywood idiot who does not know what the f–k she’s talking about…My support just gets stronger for Sarah Palin each time one of the Hollywood or media idiots open their pie holes…Ms Judd, you are entitled to your opinions whatever they may be, it’s when you call it the the attention of the media and try to have it become news is when you crossed the line. To me, your nothing more than a useless “B” actress who made movies that were in no way memorable, except for that you’re being in them were the very reason I didn’t go see them. You can hate on Palin all you want, but I can guarantee that Mrs Palin has far more charactor than Ms Judd can ever hope to have. Ms Judd likely did no research and was reading a script, but she uses her “celebrity” to infuence. Her opinion is no better than anyone elses. Ms Judd, I get that you hate Sarah Palin despite the fact you’ve never met her, but to slander her like you have here is wrong, but I get it’s the fashionable thing to do post election (Obama winning was just “not good enough”). Ashley Judd, just go back to making bad movies that go direct to DVD…or better still, just STFU and go away…

  • redheadfrog

    Palin=propoganda and bullsh*t. Hello big oil! She and Bush would love to drill in Alaska…how do I know, got an in that works for an oil company. On a side not, what the heck does any human know about managing anything? (ie our economy).

  • redheadfrog

    Flap, Did not imply he was…But I am saying Bush is still VERY invoived with Big Oil and the US government.

  • redheadfrog

    Okay, what’s your argument? This is not propoganda? Wolves and bears are overrunning Alaska? Palin is good government? What about the “bridge to nowhere”? Is that good government?

  • redheadfrog

    My point=Palin is bad government.
    Oil companies use propaganda and “friends” to fulfill their agenda. Palin is a friend of oil companies, she assists in lifting protections on wolves and keeping polar bears off the endangered species list better chance to drill in Alaska. Sorry I confused you with the Bush comment, he’s in the game and will never be a private citizen, how many private citizens do you know that have secret service men guarding them? If you don’t know anything about the “bridge to nowhere”

    Hope this helps. BTW, I am neither left or right…I use candidates voting records to decide upon whom is telling the truth. NO FLIP FLOPPING!