Barack Obama

Obama’s Teleprompter Fails to Deliver AGAIN

How difficult is it to pronounce “Orion”? During a March 23, 2009 speech on green energy, Obama manages to mispronounce it several times — despite the fact that the firm using the name (Orion Energy Systems) had just finished a presentation to Obama a few minutes earlier.

Guess Obama’s teleprompter did not deliver the proper pronounciation for the President. If this had been President Bush this mistake/gaffe would have been all over the nightly news.

John asks how would Obama pronounce “Cassiopeia”?

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  • sierra cazorla segura

    Presidents who can laugh – especially at themselves – tend to be more successful at the job, and come out of the Oval Office a bit healthier. Those that don’t tend to get eaten alive – and we all end up paying the price for that

  • Arthur

    That *is* how you pronounce the name “Orion” in Greek. The way a lot of Americans say it — oh-RYE-on — is a corrupt bastardization.

  • vladdy

    So the person from the company who spoke before BO has been pronouncing the name of his business incorrectly, but BO is pronouncing it correctly. Right.