Barack Obama,  Polling

Poll Watch: Obama Change – Approval Craters to 50 Per Cent


President Barack Obama makes remarks about investments in clean energy and new technology included in the budget, Monday, March 23, 2009, in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on the White House campus in Washington

The honeymoon is indeed over for President Obama.

The honeymoon is over, a national poll will signal today as President Obama’s job approval stumbles to about 50 percent over the lack of improvement with the crippled economy.

The sobering numbers come as the president backpedals from two prime-time gaffes – one comparing his bowling score to a Special Olympian and another awkwardly laughing about the economy, which prompted Steve Kroft of “60 Minutes” to ask “are you punch-drunk?”

Pollster John Zogby said his poll out today will show Americans split on the president’s performance. He said the score factors out to “about 50-50.”

The fact is American voters have been less than impressed with Obama’s performance to date. He was elected with the mantra of “HOPE AND CHANGE” and there has been little except the same ol’ tax and spend Washington Democrat politics.

But, Obama’s response to the poor economy has not meet the expectations of the public. Smiling and joking on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno is not the appropriate conduct for their President.

It is time for Obama to end his campaign and begin the governing part – if Obama knows how?

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