
Day By Day by Chris Muir June 21, 2009 – Rocky Road

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Day By Day by Chris Muir

Remember when Michael Moore portrayed President Bush as disconnected with the Iraq War by showing him playing golf. Well, what about Iran cracking down on dissenting protesters while President Obama takes his two young girsl out for a Saturday afternoon ice cream run from the White House?

Obama is fiddling while Iran is burning.

How about some leadership Mr.President? And I don’t mean another meaningless press statement. How about a real speech in front of international television in support of the Iranian people who are getting the screw job by fanatical Mullahs?

President Obama on Saturday afternoon ice cream run with daughters


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  • Jeet

    I don’t think a speech in front of the international community is going to cut it. Though I do feel ‘inaction’ from President Obama’s government over this issue but I wouldn’t connect this to taking kids out for an ice-cream.

  • Aneriz


    I feel exactly the same way. Obama is tiptoeing around the Iran issue like he does with every international issue. Is as if he craves the global approval more then the principles for which our country stands. On the other hand, what does that have to do with taking the kids for ice-cream on Father’s Day? This is not our national crisis. On the contrary, we should be very concerned of a president that can’t find time to spend with his young children!