Day By Day,  Sarah Palin

Day By Day by Chris Muir July 6, 2009 – Face Time

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Day By Day by Chris Muir

I remember when Richard Nixon quit after losing the Californor Governorship in 1962 to Jerry Brown’s father and HE came back to win the Presidency in 1968.

I, also, remember when Nixon came back after resigning the Presidency after the Watergate scandal to be considered a prominent statesmen – even though a crook.

The American people have a long history of forgiving politicians over time – except in cases of personal scandal like Gary Hart or Mark Sanford.

So, who knows, when and how Sarah Palin re-emerges on the national political scene. Flap knows one thing: there is money to be made on her celebrity status and that opportunity will NOT be lost.


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  • Ling

    And that 24 carat celeb status is what burns up all of Washington, because any one of them would give an arm and a leg for a tiny fraction of Palin’s celebrity status and power to motivate the base. Sad thing is, Palin isn’t really using it to full effect. If she just learned a bit of discipline, she would be the unquestioned leader of the Republican Party, inspite of all the baggage.

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