Polling,  Sarah Palin

Tracking Sarah Palin: Favorability Rating

Pollster.Com is now tracking Alaska Governor Sarah Palin’s favorability vs. unfavorability rating. Their interactive graph above is summation of various polls.

The data is here.

As of today:

  • Favorable – 40.8%
  • Unfavorable – 44.6

Watch Palin’s continuing political career with this graphic interface.

Exit question: Will Sarah Palin be able to pull up her favorables? And, if so, how long will it take?

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One Comment

  • Website writers

    Don’t count her out just yet… she may yet pull a Nixon and come back from the political dead. If the Dems overextend themselves, expect a backlash. If the Dems lose big in 2010, expect a strong comeback from Palin.