Obamacare,  Polling

Poll Watch: 50 Per Cent of Americans Disapprove of Obama Healthcare Policy

Obama health care gallup poll

There are a couple things politicians understand – campaign cash and poll numbers. For members of Congress grappling with passing President Obama’s health care reform these poll numbers cannot be reassuring for the President.

As the debate over healthcare reform intensifies, the latest USA Today/Gallup poll finds that more Americans disapprove (50%) than approve (44%) of the way U.S. President Barack Obama is handling healthcare policy. There is a tremendous partisan gap in these views, with 74% of Democrats but only 11% of Republicans approving. Independents are more likely to disapprove than to approve of Obama’s work on healthcare.

I don’t think President Obama and his minions will be able to ram this Obamacare legislation through the Congress.

Members of the Democrat Party do so at their own electoral peril and remember Obama does NOT stand for election next year.

But, all members of the House and 1/3 Senators DO.

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