Barack Obama,  Day By Day

Day By Day by Chris Muir July 29, 2009 – Capitalist Running Dogs Don’t Lie

day by day 072909

Day By Day by Chris Muir

Same as with the national Republican Party versus the Democrats.

I cannot help but think that Karl Rove and Newt Gingrich KNEW that Barack Obama and the left-wing controlled Congressional Democrats would overreach with a socialist agenda. GOP leaders also knew that there were over 50 Congressional Districts where conservatism reigns and the Demcrats essentially misrepresented themselves to be elected – ala Rahm Emanuel’s strategy in 2006.

Since the Democrats do NOT have an unpopular President or corrupt Congressional leaders to bash anymore, voters will focus on their left-wing agenda and policies. This, in turn, will return the GOP to power.

Sort of a capitalism vs. socialism electoral cycle, no?


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One Comment

  • Ling

    Cycle it is indeed, but there must be some way to brak out of it. I mean, there have been periods in the past when one party held power for decades. So it’s possible, just needs for the politicans not to overreach – and be true to their ideals and promises.