Barbara Boxer,  Carly Fiorina,  Chuck DeVore,  Polling

CA-Sen Poll Watch: Barbara Boxer Unfavorable But…..

The latest California survey USA poll shows why the GOP might have an opportunity to wrest a California U.S. Senate seat away from incumbent Senator Barbara Boxer. Senator Boxer has a net unfavorable rating.  The poll is here.

But, the likely Republican nominee Carly Fiorina also has net unfavorability driven by Democrats and Independent voters. On the positive side, she is the ONLY Republican with net favorables by GOP voters.

The other Republican candidates, Chuck DeVore and Al Ramirez are unknown by three quarters of voters and both have net negative favorability.

If Carly Fiorina is to have a chance to beat Barbara Boxer next November, it appears she will have to appeal to the broad spectrum of California voters, including independent, or decline to state ones.

But, Fiorina’s campaign has just begun and the heat is being turned upon Boxer for her partisan style and failures in leadership.

Stay tuned……

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