Carly Fiorina,  Chuck DeVore

CA-Sen: Chuck DeVore FALSELY Accuses Carly Fiorina of Faking Twitter Followers

From Chuck DeVore’s Twitter Feed

California Republican Assemblyman Chuck DeVore (R-Irvine) REALLY should get his facts straight before he goes off half-cocked about his GOP opponent for the California United States Senate seat.

DeVore accuses and mocks his opponent, Carly Fiorina, of faking her Twitter follower account.


Social-networking site Twitter plans to end a service that links prominent message posters with new users, a service that was criticized in California because of perceived unfairness toward GOP gubernatorial candidates.

Twitter co-founder Biz Stone said Monday the San Francisco-based company will overhaul its “suggested users” list, which links Twitter users with a pool of about 500 celebrities, sports figures and politicians they might want to follow.

“That list will be going away,” Stone said at a conference in Malaysia. “In its stead will be something that is more programmatically chosen, something that actually delivers more relevant suggestions.”

Names on the suggested user list are selected by company officials. In California, Democratic gubernatorial hopefuls were placed on the list, a move that greatly boosted their number of followers. Republican candidates were left off until recently.

Former eBay chief executive Meg Whitman, who led the Republican field with 4,160 Twitter followers, jumped to nearly 61,000 followers. Former Congressman Tom Campbell went from 1,660 followers to 57,500, while state Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner’s nearly 2,600 followers increased to 56,500.

By comparison, Attorney General Jerry Brown, the presumed Democratic gubernatorial candidate, increased from 960,000 followers to 1 million during the same three-week period.

Twitter also added Carly Fiorina, who is seeking the Republican nomination to challenge Democratic U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer next year.

But, it was NOT bad enough that DeVore was wrong and has NOT apologized (as of yet). He has consistently HARPED on the matter by retweeting (reposting on Twitter) the false information.

Like here:


And, here:

Talk about beating a FALSE drum or spamming one on Twitter.

So, come on Chuck, before you come on here and accuse Flap of DeVore Derangement Syndrome again, how about apologizing to Carly Fiorina for being WRONG, DISINGENUOUS or UNSCRUPULOUS.

Take your pick and apologize before you lose even more credibility.


Maybe Chuck DeVore should apologize to the National Republican Senatorial Committee as well.

What do you think, Chuck?

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  • Mike

    Uh, Flap. Have you looked at her followers? They’re spam and porn accts. She and Al Ramirez added the exact same “followers” overnight. In the same quantities. It happened to coincide with the NRSC talking about how they’re being “fair” to everyone, citing Al specifically. Al thanked them for the overnight followers in one of his tweets. These are not followers. Which is fine with DeVore, I’m sure, given that his Twitter followers are real, grassroots people who volunteer and work hard for him.

    You want him to apologize, but you haven’t apologized for libeling DeVore by falsely claiming he bought votes in the SD County strawpoll. Aren’t your words in this piece? Shouldn’t you apologize? Retract? Crawl into a hole for a while?

    When are you going to post a disclaimer that you take money from Fiorina? Don’t you owe your readers that information?

  • Flap

    First, I do not take money from Carly Fiorina nor have I received any. If I did I would disclose it.

    Second, I have it from reliable sources that Chuck DeVore’s campaign participated and purchased packets of votes in the San Diego County GOP straw poll. His previous straw poll at the Fall GOP Convention was a sham and exposed as such.

    Third, if you took the time to read the blockquote and link above, you would see that the jump in Fiorina Twitter followers apparently came from the fact that Twitter placed Carly Fiorina on a list – like they did to other California GOP politicians. So, it was Twitter that was responsible and NOT the NRSC (National Republican Senatorial Committee).

    Devore continues to owe Fiorina and the NRSC an apology for falsely accusing them of some nefarious activity.

    Also, please read my terms of use and abide by them if you wish to continue to participate in the comments section here.

  • Mike

    So Carly For California does not and has not advertised here on your website? And there would be no screen captures of her ads here on your website? Say, on the same day that you falsely reported that DeVore “bought” votes at that straw poll? C’mon, Flap. I’m a free-market, capitalist pig, but you should at least disclose that you benefit financially from supporting Fiorina.

  • Flap

    If you look carefully on the right sidebar, the ads are supplied by Google. Fiorina has bought blocks of web ads that show up all over the net including the Drudge Report.

    Presently, Newsmax has a Sarah Palin ad. SarahPac has advertised there as has Tom Campbell who is running for California Governor and many others. The ads rotate and the money is paid to Google which then sends me $$$ based upon whether the ad is clicked.

    So, please click away.

    If Chuck DeVore purchased a block of Google ads then his ads would show up too. Unless I specifically act to block the Google ads, they show up and Google determines the rotation based on their algorithms.

    Now, there are my blog ads at the bottom of the right of the sidebar. No campaign has directly subscribed to that ad block lately and not the Fiorina campaign.

    But, if DeVore or Fiorina would like to purchase an ad I would gladly sell it to them and disclose it.

    Understand now?

  • Mike

    Thanks. I get it now. Carly advertises here, but because she pays Google and Google pays you, you can say “Hey, I don’t benefit AT ALL from helping her campaign (remember, you touted that you had “reliable sources” INSIDE the campaign) blatantly smear her opponent.”

    Glad you cleared that up. I was doubting your sincerity for a moment.

  • Flap

    Well, I benefit if readers click the Fiorina ad which rotates according to her ad buy and Google’s algorithms.

    Which means I may receive a few dollars – like $3 or $4. Sorry, but the money I make on those ads is not great.

    But, if Carly or any other politician would like to send me a nice check, I would gladly place it somewhere here on a more permanent place. I know your friend, Chuck DeVore, most probably will not because he has burned through most of his campaign cash.

    You see, I am a dentist and make my livelihood from said practice.

    If you think that $3 or $4 of ad revenue is nefariously biased, then so be it.